Netty 4.1.0.CR5 发布,该版本最重要的改进内容包括:
Map HTTP/2 Streams to Channels (#4503)
IllegalReferenceCountException from HttpObjectDecoder when switching a protocol (#4504)
IOOBE in DefaultDnsRecordDecoder#decodeName (#5015)
Prevent nepotism with generational GCs (#5016)
Fix setBytes when source is read-only ByteBuffer and target is pooled #5011)
Speed up the slow path of FastThreadLocal (#5012)
Upgrade netty-tcnative to 1.1.33.Fork15 (#5025)
Read if needed on NEED_UNWRAP (#5039)
Not attempt to read from fd when channel is closed during read loop (#5048)
详情请看 issue tracker.
注意事项:因为 http2 和 dns 编码器目前还处于体验阶段,因此接下来的版本在 API 上可能会有变化。