GNU GuixSD 0.10.0 发布了,GuixSD 是由关心 计算机用户自由 的 GNU 项目 开发的 GNU 操作系統 的先进发行版。可靠的包管理机制,底层基于 Nix,用户界面可以是 Emacs。更多特性。提供 Guile Scheme APIs,包括高级的嵌入式领域专用语言(EDSLs)来 定义软件包 和 整个系统的配置。
Our “grafting” mechanism for security updates has been fixed to be generally applicable. Read this post for more information on the challenges behind this.
Substitutes are now fetched by default over HTTPS and from a faster mirror.
A number of packages have been made bit-for-bit reproducible, including glibc, Perl, Emacs packages, and Python packages. This work was simplified by guix challenge and by the new --check and --rounds build options, and also by the insight gathered from other reproducible builds efforts.
GNOME is now available, via the gnome-desktop-service procedure.
639 new packages, about as many package updates, greatly simplified by the addition of new importers and auto-updaters.
A wealth of bug fixes, documentation improvements, Emacs niceties, and more!