Qubes OS 3.1 发布,Qubes OS是面向安全的、基于Fedora的桌面Linux发行,其主要理念是基于隔离的安全,而这靠轻量级的Xen虚拟机来实现隔离域。它旨在结合两个貌似矛 盾的目标:如何使不同域之间的隔离尽可能强,这主要靠能够使可信代码尽量小的更灵巧的结构,以及如何使这种隔离尽可能无缝和容易。
Management Stack based of Salt Stack in dom0 - documentation
Out of the box Whonix setup
UEFI support
LIVE edition (still alpha, not part of R3.1-rc1)
Updated GPU drivers in dom0
Colorful window application icons (instead of just colorful lock icon)
PV Grub support (documentation)
Out of the box USB VM setup, including handling USB mouse
Xen upgraded to 4.6, for better hardware support (especially Skylake platform)
Improve updates proxy flexibility - especially repositories served over HTTPS