Bind 9.10.3 P4 发布了。Bind是一款开放源码的DNS服务器软件,Bind由美国加州大学Berkeley分校开发和维护的,全名为Berkeley Internet Name Domain它是目前世界上使用最为广泛的DNS服务器软件,支持各种unix平台和windows平台。
An incorrect boundary check in the OPENPGPKEY rdatatype could trigger an assertion failure. This flaw is disclosed in CVE-2015-5986. [RT #40286]
A buffer accounting error could trigger an assertion failure when parsing certain malformedDNSSECkeys.
This flaw was discovered by Hanno Böck of the Fuzzing Project, and is disclosed in CVE-2015-5722. [RT #40212]
A specially crafted query could trigger an assertion failure in message.c.
This flaw was discovered by Jonathan Foote, and is disclosed in CVE-2015-5477. [RT #40046]
On servers configured to performDNSSECvalidation, an assertion failure could be triggered on answers from a specially configured server.
This flaw was discovered by Breno Silveira Soares, and is disclosed in CVE-2015-4620. [RT #39795]
New quotas have been added to limit the queries that are sent by recursive resolvers to authoritative servers experiencing denial-of-service attacks. When configured, these options can both reduce the harm done to authoritative servers and also avoid the resource exhaustion that can be experienced by recursives when they are being used as a vehicle for such an attack.
NOTE: These options are not available by default; use configure --enable-fetchlimit to include them in the build.
Statistics counters have also been added to track the number of queries affected by these quotas.
limits the number of simultaneous queries that can be sent to any single authoritative server. The configured value is a starting point; it is automatically adjusted downward if the server is partially or completely non-responsive. The algorithm used to adjust the quota can be configured via thefetch-quota-params
limits the number of simultaneous queries that can be sent for names within a single domain. (Note: Unlike "fetches-per-server", this value is not self-tuning.)dig +ednsflags can now be used to set yet-to-be-definedEDNSflags inDNSrequests.
dig +[no]ednsnegotiation can now be used enable / disableEDNSversion negotiation.
An --enable-querytrace configure switch is now available to enable very verbose query tracelogging. This option can only be set at compile time. This option has a negative performance impact and should be used only for debugging.
Bug 修复:
Asynchronous zone loads were not handled correctly when the zone load was already in progress; this could trigger a crash in zt.c. [RT #37573]
A race during shutdown or reconfiguration could cause an assertion failure in mem.c. [RT #38979]
Some answer formatting options didn't work correctly with dig +short. [RT #39291]
Malformed records of some types, including NSAP and UNSPEC, could trigger assertion failures when loading text zone files. [RT #40274] [RT #40285]
Fixed a possible crash in ratelimiter.c caused by NOTIFY messages being removed from the wrong rate limiter queue. [RT #40350]
The default
was inconsistently applied. [RT #40456]BADVERS responses from broken authoritative name servers were not handled correctly. [RT #40427]
Several bugs have been fixed in the RPZ implementation