SonarQube Java 3.11 发布了,Sonar (SonarQube)是一个开源平台,用于管理源代码的质量。Sonar 不只是一个质量数据报告工具,更是代码质量管理平台。支持的语言包括:Java、PHP、C#、C、Cobol、PL/SQL、Flex 等。
Bug 修复
[SONARJAVA-1344] - FP on S1905: cast is mandatory when using wildcard
[SONARJAVA-1465] - SE consume too much memory when accumulating unresolved relations
[SONARJAVA-1516] - FP in AssignmentInSubExpressionCheck : assignement in while statement are not ignored
[SONARJAVA-1517] - FP on S2694 : inner class extending non-static inner class can not be static
[SONARJAVA-1525] - BinaryRelation does not handle correctly the case where it has the same operands.
[SONARJAVA-1530] - FP in S1948: Enum should always be considered as serializable
[SONARJAVA-1531] - CFG: Pruning is not done correctly for exit blocks
[SONARJAVA-1533] - FP on S1872: StackTraceElement.getClassName() should be ignored
[SONARJAVA-1539] - Erasure of Type variable should be the erasure of its leftmost bound
[SONARJAVA-1540] - S3422 : DependencyWithSystemScopeCheck should not fail with empty string as <SystemPath< or without the attribute
[SONARJAVA-1541] - CFG: complex condition in switch condition ends up in bad cfg
[SONARJAVA-1542] - Semantic: Try with resource should create its own scope for resources
[SONARJAVA-1545] - FP S1699 when calling a method prefixed with super
[SONARJAVA-1556] - NPE when reporting issue on anonymous classes for rules extending AbstractSerializableInnerClassRule
[SONARJAVA-1113] - NOSONAR does not apply on test files
[SONARJAVA-1231] - FP on S1192: Should ignore string literals used in body of interface default methods
[SONARJAVA-1505] - Type of expression based on wildcards should be handled
[SONARJAVA-1509] - S1854 [deadStore check] : change issue location to be on expression of assignment instead of variable, including the assignment operator
[SONARJAVA-1510] - SE: report cause of nullNess as secondary location for S2259
[SONARJAVA-1519] - "Class not found" should be log as a warning not an error.
[SONARJAVA-1521] - S3398 Fix message for anonymous classes.
[SONARJAVA-1522] - FP S2093 for method that are resource factory.
[SONARJAVA-1524] - S3400 should not be activated by default
[SONARJAVA-1526] - SE: Assignement with operator should generate a new SV and not behave like a standard assignement
[SONARJAVA-1529] - FP Hidden Field check for local variabes of static inner classes and outer class fields
[SONARJAVA-1534] - SE: Report with precise issue location when operand of a binary expression is always true or false
[SONARJAVA-1536] - SE (S2259): report cause of nullNess with adequate message when caused by chained method invocation
[SONARJAVA-1546] - Rule S1143: expand implementation to cover all jump statements
[SONARJAVA-1549] - Exclude unprintable unicode chars between 128 and 160 for S2973