ionic 2.0.0-beta.3 发布了,Ionic Framework 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。
Bug 修复
actionsheet: fix md ripple on actionsheet (f51a3f5)
alert: increase padding on windows alert (c96af06), closes #5722
alert: update radio/checkbox items to buttons elements (b24dc27)
animations: get easing curve from parent animation (bc06994)
chip: cleaned up some of the UI and added some sass variables (eeac795)
config: fix config set function so that it has arguments defined (894824e), closes #5696
infinitescroll: only show spinner when loading (7ee0b52), closes #5690
input: add tappable attr to input-cover (b814314)
item: add a default size for items in buttons to use the content button sizes (7b14a29), closes #5580
label: change the flex for stacked and floating labels so buttons can be added (65ee86f), closes #5319
label: remove margin from item-right in a stacked or floating label (7416827)
nav: change init zIndex to 100 (5863e2c)
nav: create opts object when undefined/null (8975016), closes #5737
nav: do not hide pages if an overlay is in the stack (4922fc6), closes #5430
nav: use setRoot when root property changes (d77e8d9), closes #5668
overlays: update keyboard focus management (e639457)
radio: do not use strict comparison for values (a2f858b), closes #5660
radio: improve group/button value comparisons (5d9b169)
radio: select only one radio when w/out ngModel (e92feef), closes #5659
select: improve value comparisons (b967b1e)
tabs: don't add the has-icon class to a tab button if the layout is icon-hide (6b93bc1), closes #5658
tabs: improves tabs style for iOS (b9a4628)
textarea: width of textarea was exceeding page area (ec11ae3)
touchaction: apply to child touch elements (0129410)
util: array length check (9dc3840)
util: getQueryString tests (f8e38ef)
util: ignore empty query param in getQueryString (908ea8c)
windows: detect windows phone via user agent (703fe16)
buttons: dynamically add button attributes (154a69c), closes #5186
searchbar: disable autocorrect/autocapitalize/spellcheck (498dd54), closes #5749
touchaction: remove 300ms delay via touch-action (e1c77a3)
windows: add card components (dd7def6)
windows: add checkbox styling and update alert checkbox (1ecfa6f)
windows: add chip component (2699b44)
windows: add content padding/margin components for wp (fe11ecc)
windows: add detail-push icon (706e0d7)
windows: add input border color variable to theme (0d4971f)
windows: add input component sass (f8ef960)
windows: add label Sass file (8a1e450)
windows: add list and item components (1cf56ee)
windows: add menu Sass component (cd7d627)
windows: add modal file (a323aa1)
windows: add noto sans as a fallback font (85c1637)
windows: add radio component for wp mode (dd206ad)
windows: add searchbar component with styling (a9054ad)
windows: add segment component (922e1f1)
windows: add select component (781ea83)
windows: add tabs component and clean up windows UI (fa2e4b2)
windows: add toggles (b7bcd39)
windows: add windows support to snapshot (368c12a)
windows: change windowsphone platform to windows (8df8420)
windows: clean up action sheet UI (138e876)
windows: clean up button and alert UI (13f3e83)
windows: clean up button css, rename Sass variables and add more (bba3c5c)
windows: fix card and alert UI (69c0da2)
windows: fix config so it will disable hover (996f944)
windows: initial add for windows badges (1fc0a23)
windows: initial add of action sheet (370490e)
windows: initial add of alert with windows dialog styles (6af9b77)
windows: initial add of toolbar with some custom theming (6062bb6)
windows: initial add of windows mode (a9c995d)
windows: make wp buttons more windows-y (b91f8de)
windows: more UI cleanup (a594531)
windows: UI fixes (29ff7f1)
windows: windows UI cleanup (e05f147)