Apache Pirk 0.2.0-incubating 发布了。
Apache Pirk (孵化)是一个可扩展的私有信息检索框架(PIR)。Pirk的目标是提供一个强大的,可扩展的,并能具体实现PIR算法的登陆地址。
Bug 修复
[PIRK-60] - Website KEYS link broken
[PIRK-61] - Es-Nodes Option Not Parsed by ResponderCLI
[PIRK-62] - Local Properties Files Not Picked Up by Responder Using spark-submit
[PIRK-64] - Add Pirk Instructions for AWS/GCP/Azure
[PIRK-21] - Apache Spark Streaming Implementation
[PIRK-51] - Add Release Instructions on Webpage
[PIRK-52] - Enable Coveralls plugin for code coverage statistics
[PIRK-57] - Use the checkstyle maven plugin to enforce Pirk code style conventions
[PIRK-58] - Improve Paillier Test Speed
[PIRK-59] - Improvement to Spark Streaming
[PIRK-63] - Generalize ResponderDriver to use a RespondLauncher class
[PIRK-67] - Add Slide Deck to the Website Documentation Explaining the Mathematics of Pirk
[PIRK-68] - Add the Capability for Generic Fields in the Query Schema
[PIRK-69] - Improve clarity of group theory portion of slides.