NetXMS 2.1-M1 发布了。
NetXMS 是一个新的,发展迅速的系统监控工具, 在GPL2许可下发布。它可用于监测整个IT基础设施,从支持SNMP的硬件(如交换机和路由器)到您的服务器或者是应用程序。 NetXMS是一个非常可靠和强大的监测系统,使您提高网络可用性和服务水平。
New policy type: Log Parser
New server configuration parameter "JobRetryCount"
Chassis objects
Hypervisor monitoring subagent
Added configuration option to log parser to generate event only if regular expression have been matched exact count of the times in a predefined time period
New internal parameters: Server.ReceivedSNMPTraps, Server.ReceivedSyslogMessages, ReceivedSNMPTraps, ReceivedSyslogMessages
Max size of agent data collectiors pool can be configured
Agent data reconciliation block size and timeout can be configured
New agent parameters System.CPU.CurrentUsage and System.CPU.CurrentUsage(*)
SSH subagent (for collecting data and executing actions via SSH)
Zone ID can be set for agent in SNMP proxy mode
Zones has common default proxy node for all protocols
Zone's proxy node can be placed inside that zone
Syslog proxy in agent
Built-in superuser account renamed to "system"
Default "admin" account now is ordinary member of "Admins" group without built-in privileges