ZeroBrane Studio v1.40 发布了。本次的更新有:Mac 可以输入中文了(虽然不是那么完美),下面是值得关注的更新:
Added ability to load/save files with invalid UTF-8 encoded characters.
Added support for IME composition to input Chinese characters.
Added support for dead key combinations (used on international keyboads).
Added support for handling Unicode paths and parameters on Windows (#663).
Added luasec 0.6 with openssl 1.0.2h binaries.
Added lpeg 1.0 binaries.
Added lfs 1.6.3 binaries (#566).
Added tracking file system changes in the project tree to auto-refresh it.
Added opening files on drag-n-drop on dock icon on OSX (closes #248).
Added opening files on drag-n-drop on Linux (closes #177).
Added refresh of search results from the right-click-on-tab menu.
Added reverse search on Shift-Enter (closes #604).
Updated Gideros API for version 2016.06.
Updated Corona API for v2016.2906.
Updated Love2d API for 0.10.1 (closes #537, #247).
Updated luajit binaries to v2.0.4.
Updated French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, and Russian translations.
Upgraded wxwidgets to v3.1 and Scintilla to v3.6.6.