OmniFaces 2.5在2016年9月15日正式发布了。
OmniFaces 是一个JSF 2的工具库,其目的是为了让JSF应用开发更加简单。
你是否厌倦了为每个JSF web应用程序重新创造JSFUtil或FacesUtil实用程序类?是否厌倦了定制组件、 taghandlers 等来解决JSF的缺点?OmniFaces可能是正你要找的东西!
与那些其他JSF 2库(如PrimeFaces、BootsFaces或ButterFaces)已经熟知和喜爱的美丽的视觉导向组件相反,OmniFaces也许永远不会包含丰富的表格组件或漂亮视觉之类的东西。把OmniFaces说成是处理日常JSF API中的小缺点的实际问题和解决方法“实用工具”更为适合。
OmniFaces 2.5的新特性
#278 - FullAjaxExceptionHandler now supports a new context paramorg.omnifaces.EXCEPTION_TYPES_TO_IGNORE_IN_LOGGINGwhere you can specify exception types to ignore in logging
#279 - AddedExpressionInspector#getMethodReference()to resolve base and method of a method expression
#188 - Bunch of newcreateConverter()andcreateValidator()convenience methods on Faces
#181 - ThrowIllegalStateExceptionduring development stage when there's a nested form
#235 - New <o:inputFile> which extends<h:inputFile>with support formultiple,directory,acceptandmaxsizeattributes, along with built-in validation onacceptandmaxsizeattributes.
#287 - #289 - @GraphicImageBean annotation to declare a bean as a public image service, along withof:graphicImageURL()EL functions which should generate the desired URL
#298 -showMessageForattribute of multi field validators now supports a new keyword@globalwhich specifies that the message should be added as a global message
#20 - FacesViews now supports theMultiViewsfeature as known in Apache HTTPD + PHP world
#305 - Components#resetForm/resetInputs() to reset state of input fields in given form or parent component
OmniFaces 2.5的改进
#272 - Cookies created in server side by Faces and Servlets utility classes are now by default alwaysHttpOnly
#281 - #256 -beans.xmlis now fully CDI 1.1 compatible andBeanManagerenum has been deprecated and Beans utility class now always usesCDI.current().getBeanManager()and further some old CDI 1.0 related workarounds have been removed
#284 - Beans utility class now supports specifying qualifiers via varargs argument in a.o.resolve(),getReference(),getInstance(), etc
#285 -RestorableViewHandlerhas been renamed to OmniViewHandler as it got more responsibilities
#293 - <o:highlight> will now remove the highlight when the enduser starts using the input field
#20 -RequestParamProducerhas been renamed to ParamProducer as it also supports path parameters
OmniFaces 2.5的修复:
#283 - Weld 2.3.5 and newer issued warning WELD-000167 on DynamicParamValueProducer
#234 - Bypass Tomcat misbehavior during push bomb on <o:socket>
#224 - Silence Mojarra warning "Unable to save dynamic action" in <o:moveComponent>
bedcddc - @ViewScoped unload didn't work when full state saving was enabled
#294 - <o:graphicImage> didn't render itsidattribute
#297 - UnmappedResourceHandler failed serving RichFaces-specific resources
#295 - Constructor injection of @Param failed on dynamic (non-String) types