Teiid 9.0.3 发布了,Teiid是一个数据虚拟化系统,让应用程序使用来自多个异构数据存储的数据。该版本修复了一些自 9.0.2 以来存在的问题。
[TEIID-4343] - Impala Translator - With Clause Support
[TEIID-4354] - patch to CXF no longer needed with new version of the CXF in 9.0 series.
[TEIID-4360] - default token type needs to be "bearer" for OAuth2 access code negotiation
[TEIID-4372] - Impala AVG returns double when bigdecimal is expected
[TEIID-4384] - Issue with ordered offset
[TEIID-4385] - Nested subquery in an aggregate fails to evaluate
[TEIID-4389] - Local connection waits for active VDB 1,000,000 times longer than specified in waitForLoad property
[TEIID-4391] - NONDETERMINISTIC functions incorrectly optimized out of ORDER BY
[TEIID-4395] - Oracle translator should pushdown clob conversion