Weld 2.4.0 首个 RC 版发布了,主要改进记录如下:
[WELD-2093] - Invocation of a JDK8 default method should be intercepted
[WELD-2174] - Weld api don't include the license file
[WELD-2201] - ActivateRequestScopeInterceptor does not correctly check whether the request context is active
[WELD-2209] - Provided ClassLoader should also be used to load extensions
[WELD-2220] - WeldInstance class not found in weld-osgi bundle
[WELD-2221] - AnnotatedTypeValidator does not consider extended interfaces
[WELD-2064] - Add ability to facilitate rolling upgrade without CDI bean loss
[WELD-2211] - AbstractCDI should implement WeldInstance
[WELD-2216] - Provide additional info if Instance.get() results in an unsatisfied dependency
[WELD-2218] - Improve deployment exception message if selected/enabled alternative/interceptor/decorator class is not part of the synthetic bean archive
[WELD-2222] - Probe - allow to filter unused beans
Feature Request
[WELD-2150] - Move ActivateRequestScope to core
[WELD-2151] - Add enhanced version of javax.enterprise.inject.Instance to Weld API
[WELD-2212] - Allow to veto AnnotatedType whose bean class is not annotated with bean defining annotation
[WELD-2112] - Extend event type validation in ParameterizedEventTest
[WELD-2137] - Reflect the output of CDI-494
[WELD-2152] - Weld build with JDK 9
[WELD-2181] - Remove deprecated org.jboss.weld.environment.se.beans.InstanceManager
[WELD-2182] - Remove deprecated org.jboss.weld.environment.se.contexts.interceptors.ActivateThreadScope
[WELD-2183] - Remove deprecated org.jboss.weld.environment.se.ShutdownManager
[WELD-2186] - Review the usage of ArraySet
[WELD-2192] - Document Weld SE and Weld Servlet cooperation
[WELD-2193] - [Backport] Remove dependency on Google Guava
[WELD-2199] - Detect unnecessary code and remove it if possible
[WELD-2200] - Replace org.jboss.weld.metadata.MetadataImpl with org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.spi.helpers.MetadataImpl
[WELD-2207] - Replace org.jboss.weld.util.ServiceLoader with ServiceLoader from JDK
[WELD-2208] - Document migration from Weld 2.3 to 2.4
[WELD-2210] - Make use of ClassFileInfo to detect top level type and static nested classes
[WELD-2149] - Weld build fails on checkstyle with JDK9
[WELD-2153] - Weld + Groovy compilation problems on JDK 9
[WELD-2155] - FormatsTest in core-impl tests fails with JDK 9
[WELD-2194] - [Backport] Replace Guava - immutable collections
[WELD-2195] - [Backport] Replace Guava - new collections types
[WELD-2196] - [Backport] Replace Guava - caches
[WELD-2197] - [Backport] Replace Guava - basic utilities
[WELD-2198] - [Backport] Replace Guava - collections utilities