Apache PDFBox 2.0.1 发布了。
[PDFBOX-3272] - Loaded fonts file descriptors open after closing document
[PDFBOX-3273] - Fonts not rendered correctly
[PDFBOX-3276] - Double encryption dictionary for files with XRef stream
[PDFBOX-3279] - PDDocument.importPage creates two inputstreams
[PDFBOX-3281] - HTML output wrongly specifies UTF-16 in header
[PDFBOX-3286] - Think I found a bad constant (TTF) value and constant use in
PDFBox source
[PDFBOX-3292] - Error reading stream, expected='endstream' actual='' in
non-truncated files
[PDFBOX-3297] - Infinite loop
[PDFBOX-3299] - TIFF-files with FillOrder=2 can't be converted to PDF
[PDFBOX-3301] - NPE in PDAcroForm.flatten if a widget doesn't contain a /P entry
[PDFBOX-3303] - setWidgets should set connection to parent
[PDFBOX-3308] - Missing endOfName chars
[PDFBOX-3312] - NPE in saveIncremental() / fix javadoc
[PDFBOX-3317] - Merged PDF/A files no longer valid PDF/A
[PDFBOX-3319] - Chinese character overlap other chinese character
[PDFBOX-3275] - Show glyph bounds in DrawPrintTextLocations
[PDFBOX-3289] - Wrong unit MM_PER_INCH in PDRectangle
[PDFBOX-3295] - Improve parsing performance of object streams
[PDFBOX-3305] - PDPageContentStream should allow drawing images at current
[PDFBOX-3307] - Enable AES128 encryption
[PDFBOX-3323] - Cannot set destination meta data in PDFMergerUtility
pdfbox-2.0.1-src.zip 14MB, source archive PGP MD5 SHA1
pdfbox-app-2.0.1.jar 7.9MB, pre-built PDFBox standalone binary PGP MD5 SHA1
preflight-app-2.0.1.jar 8.5MB, pre-built Preflight standalone binary PGP MD5 SHA1
debugger-app-2.0.1.jar 7.9MB, pre-built Debugger standalone binary PGP MD5 SHA1
pdfbox-2.0.1.jar 2.4MB, pre-built binary PGP MD5 SHA1
fontbox-2.0.1.jar 1.5MB, pre-built binary PGP MD5 SHA1
preflight-2.0.1.jar 242KB, pre-built binary PGP MD5 SHA1
xmpbox-2.0.1.jar 131KB, pre-built binary PGP MD5 SHA1
pdfbox-tools-2.0.1.jar 68KB, pre-built binary PGP MD5 SHA1
pdfbox-debugger-2.0.1.jar 218KB, pre-built binary PGP MD5 SHA1