Neo4j 3.0 发布了,Neo是一个网络——面向网络的数据库——也就是说,它是一个嵌入式的、基于磁盘的、具备完全的事务特性的Java持久化引擎,但是它将结构化数据存储在网络上而不是表中。网络(从数学角度叫做图)是一个灵活的数据结构,可以应用更加敏捷和快速的开发模式。
Completely redesigned internals that remove all previous limits on the number of nodes, relationships and properties that can be stored and indexed
Officially supported language drivers backed by the new Bolt binary protocol with new support for Java Stored Procedures, together enabling full-stack developers to build powerful applications
A streamlined configuration and deployment structure to deploy Neo4j on premise or in the cloud