No subsystem | Bug | IDEA-202565 | Creating live template containing annotation with value generates code with syntax error |
Bug | IDEA-202979 | intellij idea 2018.3 does not finish scanning files to index |
Code Analysis. Inspection | Bug | IDEA-203067 | InspectionElement should be public/otherwise usable, or GotoInspectionModel should not be public |
Code Coverage | Bug | IDEA-201686 | IDEA sometimes hangs when clicking on gutter with coverage information |
Compiling Project | Feature | IDEA-200067 | Exclude test sources from module sources in artifact output layout |
Bug | IDEA-202775 | Build fails if the paths contain symlinks |
Bug | IDEA-187185 | Library index not updated when jars are replaced |
Debugger | Bug | IDEA-203021 | IllegalStateException from objectMirror |
Bug | IDEA-203144 | sa-jdwp: All object arrays contain only null values |
Bug | IDEA-202606 | UnalignedAddressException during read only attach |
Docker | Bug | IDEA-202524 | Docker: Auto-expose the unknown port if added in runtime at PortBinding tab |
Editor. Code Completion | Bug | IDEA-200049 | backspace doesn't work in completion popup |
Bug | IDEA-186754 | Code completion list is blinking after typing non-ASCII text |
Editor. Editing Text | Bug | IDEA-201183 | Live Template Context in Java type declarations |
Bug | IDEA-203120 | Adding Inlay leads to code lens invalidity |
Bug | IDEA-203015 | Wrong caret position after up/down movements in presence of both inline and block inlays |
Exception | IDEA-199974 | java.lang.ArithmeticException at deleting after calling completion |
Flash_Flex | Bug | IDEA-127053 | Adobe Air debug on Android device seems to always uninstall first |
Gradle | Bug | IDEA-202844 | IntelliJ 2018.3 stopped supporting Gradle Java module configuration with src and resource folder in the same folder |
Bug | IDEA-203517 | Gradle test runner unable to find test task with type extended from `org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test` |
Bug | IDEA-203058 | Intellij gradle plugin issue with gradle 5, groovy and spock projects |
Bug | IDEA-202918 | Optimize Imports functionality deletes org.gradle.util.GradleVersion import |
Performance | IDEA-199623 | High CPU load by "DisconnectableInputStream source reader" threads when debugging gradle task |
Task | IDEA-203139 | Update gradle icon for run configuration and for projects nodes in gradle tool window |
Grails | Performance | IDEA-202875 | Performance issue with code editor on a Grails project |
Groovy | Bug | IDEA-202956 | Groovydoc reports illegal character for space and coma |
IDE Configuration | Bug | IDEA-202843 | WARN - ge.ExternalProjectsDataStorage java.lang.NullPointerException |
Indices | Performance | IDEA-202748 | Hang during UnindexedFilesUpdater working |
Internal build scripts | Task | IDEA-202226 | Generate links to third-party libraries in JSON format |
Java. Code Completion | Bug | IDEA-203056 | Autocomplete doesn't show interface public methods on its private-package implementation |
Java. Error Highlighting | Bug | IDEA-201231 | IDEA fails to resolve a Java module when it's .jar file is listed twice in project roots |
Java. Inspections | Bug | IDEA-201885 | suppress fallthrough wrongly considered redundant |
Bug | IDEA-202754 | "NullableProblems"-inspection gives incorrect warning on a getter that returns other field |
Bug | IDEA-202559 | "Replace with StandardCharsets.UTF_8" produces uncompilable source |
Java. Intention Actions | Bug | IDEA-201419 | Extract Field is not finished yet |
JavaEE.JBoss | Feature | IDEA-144621 | WildFly: support https connection to the management interface |
JavaEE.Jetty | Bug | IDEA-202832 | Regression: Local Jetty run configuration JVM parameters are placed at wrong location in the final command line executed by IntelliJ |
Packaging and Installation | Bug | IDEA-203213 | JPS from IntelliJ IDEA 183 branch fails to compile project because of missing class org.apache.maven.model.InputLocationTracker |
Platform API | Bug | IDEA-200807 | NPE caused by NonClasspathClassFinder constructor leaking "this" |
Plugin Development | Usability | IDEA-201599 | Don't show 'Version must be specified' error in plugin.xml files for plugins developed via gradle-intellij-plugin |
Quick Documentation | Bug | IDEA-203713 | QuickDoc shown on mouse move changes position or disappears after clicking on link it contains |
Bug | IDEA-202463 | Opening external documentation for OpenJFX 11 libraries does not work |
Bug | IDEA-198297 | Quick Documentation popup is sometimes placed off screen |
Bug | IDEA-201079 | QuickDoc popup is not focused on the second "Ctrl+Q" if it was opened from autocomplete or Project View |
Bug | IDEA-201036 | Autocomplete list moves up when opening/closing QuickDoc Tool Window |
Bug | IDEA-202597 | View | ExternalDocumentation doesn't work for decompiled classes opened in Editor |
Spring | Bug | IDEA-201137 | Spring Boot: resolve classes from "Provided" Scope in config file value |
Bug | IDEA-202986 | Spring MVC not support resolution of views written as not-inlined strings |
Task Management | Bug | IDEA-202675 | "Open Task" dialog with empty "Create changelist" field |
Bug | IDEA-203220 | After phpStorm upgrade when opening task it doesn't strip "[" when generates branch name causing not valid branch name error |
Template Languages. FreeMarker | Bug | IDEA-201000 | FreeMarker FTL // Support Code block folding |
Bug | IDEA-202655 | FreeMarker plugin: built-in 'first' is not applicable to 'Sequence' |
Bug | IDEA-203096 | Problem with formatting FreeMarker macros |
Terminal | Bug | IDEA-202821 | Blank terminal |
Thymeleaf | Bug | IDEA-202955 | Kotlin + Thymeleaf th:each problem |
User Interface | Bug | IDEA-126774 | Lens mode doesn't show last line |
Bug | IDEA-199367 | IDE hangs when searching in Hebrew+English |
Bug | IDEA-203350 | Help | Submit a Bug Report does not work for AppCode / CLion / DataGrip |
Bug | IDEA-106651 | Editor Search/Replace and Find/Replace in Path: font for text input fields is too small |
Bug | IDEA-202634 | ParameterInfo is now wedged in completion settings area |
Cosmetics | IDEA-197467 | Modernize Maven Run/Debug Configuration icon |
Exception | IDEA-203612 | NullPointerException occurs on opening a second/new project in the same window |
User Interface. Navigation | Feature | IDEA-202496 | Extension point to alter "No {0} found" text in Search everywhere contributor |
Version Control. Git | Bug | IDEA-203005 | Project update over SSH fails if there are many repositories |
Bug | IDEA-202874 | Indexing is suspended during the cherry-pick process |
Exception | IDEA-202533 | IllegalArgumentException occurs on attempt to fetch changes from remote git repository if repository is not set |
XML | Bug | IDEA-202642 | XmlLikeFileType.isCaseSensitive has wrong name |
No subsystem | Bug | WEB-35806 | Prettier: plugin does not format code with 1.5.2 prettier version |
Bug | WEB-35865 | node module locals are styled as globals |
Bug | WEB-36280 | <noscript> Content gets incorrectly highlighted |
CSS | Bug | WEB-36018 | Typescript TSX: value of "class" attribute is not recognizing as css class in 2018.3 |
Dart | Bug | WEB-35995 | Failed to load templates during new Dart project creation |
Debugger | Bug | WEB-34907 | Electron: main process debugging: Debugger Never Attaches |
Bug | WEB-36056 | 'Run to cursor' doesn't work in node.js debug |
HTML | Bug | WEB-36138 | "Missing associate label" error given when using aria-label |
JSON | Bug | WEB-35997 | Single quote completed with double quote in a .json file |
JavaScript | Feature | WEB-31773 | TypeScript 2.8: support jsx pragma |
Bug | WEB-36010 | "Object is 'null' or 'undefined'" inspection false positive |
Bug | WEB-36023 | Buffer Static Functions |
Bug | WEB-35727 | Improve move statement up/down with multi-line imports |
Bug | WEB-35786 | Surround with object literal is listed twice |
Bug | WEB-36068 | AssertionError when 'Convert parameters to arrow function' for function with optional single parameter |
Bug | WEB-28878 | Optimizing imports messes up placement of comments if 'Sort imports by modules' is on |
Bug | WEB-36073 | ES6: import from node core modules are broken |
Bug | WEB-35805 | "from" identifier is treated as reserved word in export statement |
Bug | WEB-34336 | Module imports become messed up when refactoring |
Usability | WEB-35838 | 'new Javascript file' attaches .js extension after .mjs |
Exception | WEB-36028 | 'Replace || with &&' causes NullPointerException on expression with throw |
JavaScript. Formatter | Bug | WEB-35776 | Insert space after <TypeAssertion> in TypeScript |
JavaScript. Frameworks | Feature | WEB-35477 | Support bootstrap-vue components |
Bug | WEB-36009 | Convert to Class Component strips comments |
Bug | WEB-36054 | Vue.js: support shards-vue components |
Bug | WEB-35851 | Completion and autoimport for React components defined in JavaScript files in TypeScript files |
Bug | WEB-36122 | 'Convert to functional component' produces broken code for components in export default |
Bug | WEB-35823 | Vue.js: support for <keep-alive> tag |
Bug | WEB-36076 | some vuetify.js components dont autocomplete when used with pascal case |
Bug | WEB-35800 | React+TypeScript: 'missing required attribute' error reported for required properties passed in by redux `connect` |
Bug | WEB-36147 | 'Add import' is suggested even if component has been already auto-imported( js -> ts ) |
JavaScript. Inspections | Bug | WEB-30327 | "Remove braces around arrow function" inspection is doubled when its severity is "Error" |
Bug | WEB-35539 | "Unreachable code" inspection false positive with labeled break |
Bug | WEB-35750 | Typescript - inspection "Remove braces around arrow function body" forces returning a value |
JavaScript. Refactoring | Bug | WEB-35600 | 'Convert to class component' should produce propTypes, defaultProps as field declarations if code template contains them |
Linters | Bug | WEB-36164 | 'Fix all TSLint problems' should be available in context menu |
Bug | WEB-35856 | 'Fix current file with ESLint' doesn't replace line endings when linebreak-style configured in .eslintrc |
Bug | WEB-35917 | Some TSLint rules are not imported from tslint.json |
Bug | WEB-35954 | Stylelint does not follow ignoreFiles configuration on Windows |
Task | WEB-35989 | Update condition for running ESLint on .vue files |
Live Edit | Performance | WEB-36060 | LiveEdit plugin causes freezes on debug |
Node.js | Bug | WEB-36048 | Autocompletion for "import { writeFileSy... }" imports from "node" instead of "fs" |
Bug | WEB-35773 | Relative import resolution inside a symlinked dir resolves to realpath |
Usability | WEB-35680 | node_modules folder is marked as library root after unexcluding |
TypeScript | Feature | WEB-21926 | Provide 'Extract TypeScript interface' refactoring for object literals |
Bug | WEB-33906 | Intellij doesn't see $any() as existing method in Angular template |
Bug | WEB-35936 | TypeScript: intersection with never type processes incorrect type |
Bug | WEB-35935 | TypeScript: null types affect resolve if strictNullChecks == false |
Bug | WEB-35810 | Incorrect expected type evaluation for rest params |
Bug | WEB-36019 | Do not add .ts file extension for filename.tsx when using New TypeScript file |
Bug | WEB-35937 | TypeScript: typeof works incorrectly with overloads |
Bug | WEB-35847 | Parameter info for generic arguments doesn't work for functions and generic type usages |
Bug | WEB-35906 | Cannot properly evaluate parameter type if contextual type is not obviously an object type |
Bug | WEB-33645 | Incorrect conversion of generic type to interface |
Bug | WEB-35850 | Type does not behave correctly in template |
Bug | WEB-36159 | TypeScript: updated bundled compiler 3.2 |
Bug | WEB-35982 | 'public' is added to implemented object literal methods when explicit 'public' is on |
Bug | WEB-35881 | TypeScript: do not import elements several times |
Bug | WEB-35853 | TypeScript: False error for assignability to indexer type |
Bug | WEB-35938 | TypeScript: inferred generics are not applied for default generic parameters |
Performance | WEB-34580 | TypeScript: performance problem with mobx-state-tree package |
Performance | WEB-35723 | Slow, constantly hanging when adding file, deleting files |
Unit Tests | Bug | WEB-35242 | running tests assumes Jest supports --runTestsByPath |
Bug | WEB-35482 | Incorrect amount of re-run tests when use @angular-builders/jest |
Bug | WEB-35284 | Run tool window shown incorrect amount of failed re-run tests |
Bug | WEB-36101 | Jest: load setup test framework file when running in watch mode |
Bug | WEB-33601 | Show jest.config.file in the Jest RC when running tests |
DB Introspection | Bug | DBE-7371 | PostgreSQL error upon database introspection in PyCharm 2018.3 |
Usability | DBE-1996 | Database: "Unsupported format version" message gives no hint what data sources are in question |
Data Views | Bug | DBE-69 | MySQL datetime incorrectly shows <null> |
Bug | DBE-7431 | 2018.3 . Where did database console STOP button go? |
Usability | DBE-7411 | "Move to the opposite group" is cloning tabs with database tables |
IDE General | Bug | DBE-7477 | Wrong thread for DumbAware startup activity |
SQL General | Bug | DBE-7264 | Unquote identifier does not work for SQL Server T-SQL |
SQL Highlighting | Usability | DBE-7314 | A better highlighting for 'column aliases required' inspection |
User Interface | Bug | DBE-6558 | Color settings in datagrid different to database panel |
Bug | DBE-7470 | Two PostgreSQL dialects in injection intention |