[WFLY-9096] - JMS client fails to connect with SSL on IBM JDK 8
[WFLY-9106] - Hard-code default values in messaging-activemq subsystem.
[WFLY-9447] - NPE in ejb client and clean shutdown ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.client.invocation] (default task-8) EJBCLIENT000509: Unexpected exception processing EJB request: java.lang.NullPointerException
[WFLY-9455] - WFLYTX0001: Unable to roll back active transaction thrown for EJB bridge transactions
[WFLY-9762] - JMS message is not received when using a non-transactional JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition
[WFLY-10014] - Unable to configure comma delimited enabled-protocols in remote-connector
[WFLY-10168] - Unable to set global-client-thread-pool-max-size without setting global-client-scheduled-thread-pool-max-size and vice versa
[WFLY-10247] - undefine connectors attribute of broadcast-group throws IllegalArgumentException
[WFLY-10389] - NPE during server shutdown when using scattered cache
[WFLY-10464] - ISPN000482: Cannot create remote transaction X, already completed in ASYM_ENCRYPT scenario (following "received message without encrypt header from perf21; dropping it")
[WFLY-10529] - ParseAndMarshalModelsTestCase fails on the latest IBM8 with Failed to register MBean with MBeanServer
[WFLY-10530] - Domain test failures on IBM8 - IllegalStateException: The LogManager was not properly installed
[WFLY-10531] - Wildfly leaks ActiveMQ connections
[WFLY-10535] - PooledConnectionFactory JNDI aliases are created in the root service container
[WFLY-10580] - WildFly should use Artemis' SQLProvider implementation
[WFLY-10616] - ContextResolver doesn't work
[WFLY-10630] - HttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed() not called if session invalidated in another WAR
[WFLY-10685] - Fix org.jboss.metadata.merge package export by multiple jars
[WFLY-10731] - core-threads of ManagedScheduledExecutorService limits number of maximal threads
[WFLY-10736] - Server in cluster hangs during start after previous kill
[WFLY-10784] - WeldStartCompletionService failed when optional components not installed
[WFLY-10796] - Warning about JSF version 'NONE' is shown in logs
[WFLY-10811] - Domain tests fail on JDK11 because of missing java.se module
[WFLY-10812] - JDK11 Some security tests fail on closed channel exception
[WFLY-10829] - Exclude ironjacamar-spec-api from the transitive depenencies
[WFLY-10837] - IIOP subsystem requires port binding to be defined which was not necessary in prior WFLY versions
[WFLY-10884] - Quickstart jaxrs-jwt should use the "jboss.server.config.dir" system property for the file path to jwt.keystore
[WFLY-10894] - [WFLY] Tests for enabling constraint drive authentication mode for elytron
[WFLY-10909] - ConcurrentModificationException at ActivationSecurityUtil
[WFLY-10920] - IllegalStateException: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
[WFLY-10937] - Starting WFLY scripts with JDK 11 blows up with ModuleNotFoundException java.se
[WFLY-10939] - taglib-location pointing to jar fails to deploy
[WFLY-10949] - IllegalArgumentException when get jdbc driver info if xa-datasource-class is not defined
[WFLY-10954] - Failing OnOffOpenTracingTestCase on IBM java
[WFLY-10961] - MP-OpenTracing Jaeger's can't see a concrete sender
[WFLY-10964] - JPA statistics do not show in the management console
[WFLY-10974] - NoClassDefFoundError when set-tx-query-timeout is enabled (followup to JBJCA-1378)
[WFLY-10976] - Artemis warnings during startup
[WFLY-10977] - okhttp3 should depend on java.logging
[WFLY-10978] - The io.jaegertracing.jaeger-thrift module should have a dependency on com.squareup.okhttp3
[WFLY-10981] - Hibernate51CompatibilityTransformer is missing some transformations for VersionType
[WFLY-10982] - Change the scope of the wildfly-subsystem-test dependency in the MP OpenTracing extension
[WFLY-10986] - Concurrent Modification Exception when starting server with external JMS broker
[WFLY-10989] - Credential Store documentation is out of date
[WFLY-10991] - Memory leak when deployment is redeployed multiple times
[WFLY-11001] - Eliminate direct use of SecurityRealmService
[WFLY-11008] - Infinispan IllegalStateException when session invalidated after redirect
[WFLY-11010] - Document 2lc/JTA integration properties and add better detection of ehcache/JTA platform class use
[WFLY-11033] - mod_cluster custom load metrics fail to load
[WFLY-11035] - ejb-remote quickstart fat client jar is not multi-release
[WFLY-11036] - Shutdown hangs if WAR is distributable and uses SSE
[WFLY-11037] - Intermittent Agroal warnings during startup
[WFLY-11041] - Jaxws-retail quickstart readme file contains reference to EAP server
[WFLY-11044] - Quickstart jaxws-retail illegal access warning with JDK11
[WFLY-11045] - Jaeger remote sampler fails to deserialize response
[WFLY-11046] - Quickstarts JDK11 illegal reflective access warnings in wildfly-maven-plugin
[WFLY-11056] - Singleton MDB barrier service starts prematurely
[WFLY-11065] - Usage of static fields from java.lang classes as EL expressions in JSPs doesn't work for servlet 4.0
[WFLY-11083] - Incorrectly named attribute match-user in authentication-context in Elytron subsystem
[WFLY-11086] - Usage of static fields from java.lang classes as EL expressions in JSPs doesn't work when requested more than once
[WFLY-11088] - Deployment failure if existing HA deployment contains a common EJB class
[WFLY-11092] - XtsAsLogger doesn't compile on JDK11, WildFly can't be build on Java 11
[WFLY-11099] - ActiveMQ 2.6.3.jbossorg-001 requires QPid Proton-J 0.27.3 (ClassNotFoundExceptions in messaging subsystem)
[WFLY-11100] - AJP can't redirect to management console because of unresolved address
[WFLY-11103] - If ServletInputStream.isReady returns false it is illegal to call the ServletInputStream.read method and EAP returns HTTP 200
[WFLY-11104] - JCA distributed work manager doesn't allow to add more than one
[WFLY-11108] - short-running-threads requirement should be verified when distributed workmanager is required
[WFLY-11112] - WildFly intermittently fails to add pooled-connection-factory but it still got registered after
[WFLY-11114] - Create test for both WFLY-10531 and WFLY-9501 - closing JMS contexts
[WFLY-11117] - Executing legacy operations in mod_cluster subsystem is not possible with configuration with just one proxy
[WFLY-11121] - CI - Master linux JDK 11 job - compilation fails - forked embedded process has failed
[WFLY-11124] - The wildfly-testsuite-shared module brings in all WildFly dependencies
[WFLY-11128] - wsconsume/wsprovide failure on wildfly14 + JDK 11
[WFLY-11129] - Temporary files not cleaned up after build
[WFLY-11145] - multicastPrefix and anycastPrefix cannot be set
[WFLY-11155] - IdentifierSerializerTestCase.testHex fails in JDK11
[WFLY-11169] - Default ASYM_ENCRYPT asym_keylength is considered breakable
[WFLY-11179] - Messaging http-acceptor should expose a capability and use it to control dependencies
[WFLY-11181] - XAResourceRecoveryServiceConfigurator adds a TX service dependency for non-transactional caches
[WFLY-11183] - Artemis client pulls netty dependencies
[WFLY-11194] - NPE removing a pooled-connection-factory
[WFLY-11200] - Messaging-activemq integration code alters the JMS client's enabled protocols via TransportConfiguration
[WFLY-11202] - Default ResourceBundle fails to load
[WFLY-11208] - Infinispan IllegalStateException (Cannot create a transactional context without a valid Transaction instance) when session invalidated after redirect
[WFLY-11209] - JAX-WS quickstarts: log4j warning appears in client subprojects
[WFLY-11210] - inter-app can't be deployed
[WFLY-11212] - Do not register jdbc-driver's datasource-class-info as metric
[WFLY-11215] - Quickstart batch-processing uses deprecated methods/types
[WFLY-11220] - ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/wildfly/transaction/client/ContextTransactionManager
[WFLY-11222] - Fix wrong grep escaping on wsprovide and wsconsume scripts
[WFLY-11224] - Getting Unable to find unambiguous method when Calling an Enum function from JSF page
[WFLY-11228] - Update references to Developer Studio to use correct name, version, and links
[WFLY-11229] - Quickstarts JBDS WSDLAnalyzer warning
[WFLY-11234] - Since WildFly 14 i18n ResourceBundle properties file not found if without locale
[WFLY-11241] - CoarseWebFailoverTestCase.test fails intermittently when validating routing
[WFLY-11243] - Update WildFlyCustomJtaPlatform#locateTransactionSynchronizationRegistry to use a direct reference to the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry
[WFLY-11246] - mod_cluster enable/disable/stop/enable-context/disable-context/stop-context operations do not describe operation result type
[WFLY-11248] - EJB Timer is not properly set when the database is different than the defaults
[WFLY-11256] - Fix Undertow Metrics
[WFLY-11258] - ResourceAdaptersSubsystemAdd puts a cruft 'resource-adapter' field in the resource's DMR model
[WFLY-11261] - CLI unable to refer jberet resources after run PurgeBatchlet
[WFLY-11262] - violation of call-by-value if a outbound connection is configured
[WFLY-11279] - The org.jboss.as.jpa module includes some unnecessary dependencies
[WFLY-11282] - ignore-dependency in jboss-web.xml does not work
[WFLY-11284] - StandardConfigsXMLValidationUnitTestCase fails on legacy builds
[WFLY-11290] - Look up of RemoteConnectionFactory with discovery-group is null
[WFLY-11291] - DependencyCollectingServiceBuilder must implement both requires() and addDependency() methods
[WFLY-11297] - Bugs in Documentation for Elytron
[WFLY-11301] - Banned dependencies not excluded
[WFLY-11302] - Update root README with getting started instructions for CD releases
[WFLY-11303] - Unnecessary registration of a CDI portable extension in Smallrye micro profile config
[WFLY-11322] - RemoteStatefulEJBConcurrentFailoverTestCase is unreliable
[WFLY-11323] - Fixing flaky test WritableServiceBasedNamingStoreTestCase.testPermissions
[WFLY-11324] - BATCH mode should not use Infinispan's XA transaction table
[WFLY-11325] - The org.jdom module should be deprecated
[WFLY-11332] - Docs for MP Health and MP OpenTracing are not properly included
[WFLY-11335] - Fix Undertow Deployment Metrics
[WFLY-11342] - Remove unused dependencies from org.jboss.as.xts
[WFLY-11343] - Lock is not released when JTS is enabled and a timer is cancelled inside a transaction
[WFLY-11350] - Test DefaultElytronEjbSecurityDomainTestCase fails with security manager
[WFLY-11355] - JDK11: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
[WFLY-11356] - Test MaximumTimeoutTestCase fails with security manager
[WFLY-11360] - JCAOrderedLastSynchronizationList shouldn't be skipped for org.wildfly.transaction.client.ContextTransactionSynchronizationRegistry registered Synchronizations
[WFLY-11362] - Update root README with instructions to build the README html files
[WFLY-11373] - EE naming context not set when @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) event is fired in some cases
[WFLY-11382] - MP Metrics subsystem should use org.jboss.as.server.deployment.Phase constants
[WFLY-11387] - IllegalStateException when calling MetricsContextService.stop during shutdown sequence
[WFLY-11389] - JSFFailoverTestCase fails intermittently
[WFLY-11390] - MP tests are using custom getContent methods (2 versions) instead of EntityUtils
[WFLY-11393] - Wrong description of jvm.uptime metric
[WFLY-11399] - Do not expose WildFly metrics in /metrics endpoints
[WFLY-11405] - Remove unused dependencies in org.jboss.as.ee
[WFLY-11409] - Metrics memory.committedHeap and memory.usedHeap do not have description
[WFLY-11418] - Message sent to JMSReplyTo from new client to old server does not find correct binding
[WFLY-11432] - EAR (WAR + EJB JAR) fails to be deployed with CNFE from open tracing
[WFLY-11437] - IllegalStateException on server shutdown
[WFLY-11448] - NullPointerException when check operation is called on a server started in admin mode