NixOS 16.03 发布了。NixOS是独立开发的GNU/Linux发行,它旨在改进系统配置管理的现状。在NixOS中,整个操作系统,包括内核、应用程序、系统软件包、配置文 件,统统都由Nix包管理器来创建。Nix将所有软件包以彼此分离的方式进行存储,因此就不存在/bin、/sbin、/lib、/usr之类的目录;相 反,所有软件包都保存在/nix/store中。NixOS的其他创新特色包括可靠升级、回滚、可重现的系统配置、二进制代码基于源文件的管理模型、多用 户包管理。尽管NixOS是一份研究性项目,它是一份功能性的及可用的操作系统,能进行硬件检测,使用KDE作为缺省桌面,并采用systemd进行系统 服务管理。
Systemd 229, bringing numerous improvements over 217.
Linux 4.4 (was 3.18).
GCC 5.3 (was 4.9). Note that GCC 5 changes the C++ ABI in an incompatible way; this may cause problems if you try to link objects compiled with different versions of GCC.
Glibc 2.23 (was 2.21).
Binutils 2.26 (was 2.23.1). See #909
Improved support for ensuring bitwise reproducible builds. For example,
now sets the environment variableSOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
to a deterministic value, and Nix has gained an option to repeat a build a number of times to test determinism. An ongoing project, the goal of exact reproducibility is to allow binaries to be verified independently (e.g., a user might only trust binaries that appear in three independent binary caches).Perl 5.22.
KDE Plasma 5.5.5 (was 5.3.2) and Applications 15.12.3 (was 15.04.3), based on KDE Frameworks 5.19 (was 5.12).