Fedora 24 Alpha 发布了,Fedora项目是一份由Red Hat策划的开放开发项目,它向普通参与者开放并由精英管理者领导,沿着一系列项目目标而前进。Fedora项目的目标是与Linux社区协作,只从开放 源码软件来创建一份完整的、通用的操作系统。其开发过程是以公开论坛的形式进行的。项目将按时间计划,每年作两到三次Fedora的发布,并提供一份公开 的发布日程表。Red Hat工程组将继续参与Fedora的开发,并且将比以往更多地邀请和鼓励外界的参与。通过采用这样一种更加开放的过程,我们希望能提供一份更加符合自 由 软件理念并且对开放源码社区更具吸引力的操作系统。
There have been many changes to theming in GTK+ 3, where a stable API has not been declared. As a result, applications that use custom CSS theming, for example, may show issues with their appearance. This may include default applications that come with Fedora 24 Alpha Workstation. Users are asked to try out their favorite GTK+ 3 based applications and report bugs upstream so they might be addressed in time for the final release.
Workstation features a preview of GNOME 3.20, which was released just after the Alpha was cut. The GNOME 3.20 release is already available in the Fedora 24 update stream. Once you install Fedora 24 Alpha, you can use Software or dnf to update. GNOME 3.20 will of course be part of Fedora 24 Beta and the Final release.
We have decided not to make Wayland, the next generation graphic stack, the default in Fedora 24 Workstation. However, Wayland remains available as an option, and the Workstation team would greatly appreciate your help in testing. Our goal is one full release where the non-default Wayland option works seamlessly, or reasonably close thereto. At that point we will make Wayland the default with X11 as the fallback option.