Spring AMQP 1.6.0 M2 和 1.5.5 发布了,Spring AMQP 是基于 Spring 框架的 AMQP 消息解决方案,提供模板化的发送和接收消息的抽象层,提供基于消息驱动的 POJO。同时有 Java 和 .NET 的版本。
1.6.0 M2 版本:
[AMQP-571] - squid:S1854 - Dead stores should be removed
[AMQP-577] - spring-rabbit-test LatchCountDownAndCallRealMethodAnswer countdown'ed too soon
[AMQP-578] - Make RabbitListenerTestHarness getSpy public
[AMQP-591] - CachingConnectionFactory leaks channels when using channelCacheSize & channelCheckoutTimeout settings
[AMQP-594] - @RabbitListener creates two listener instances if annotated method is implementing interface method
[AMQP-582] - The MethodRabbitListenerEndpointTests.invalidMessagePayloadType() isn't compatible with SF-4.3
[AMQP-461] - convert to different javatype when use @RabbitListener annonation
[AMQP-549] - Consider a Mechanism to Convey @RabbitListener Parameter Type to Jackson2JsonMessageConverter
[AMQP-579] - Consider Some Mechanism to Supply Request Context to the @SendTo SpEL Expression
[AMQP-580] - Log bean name is SimpleMessageListenerContainer and other places
[AMQP-581] - Expose Channel/Connection Cache Statistics over JMX
[AMQP-583] - Consider root cause of MethodArgumentNotValidException as also fatal in ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler.DefaultExceptionStrategy
[AMQP-585] - Add receiveTimeout to AsyncRabbitTemplate
[AMQP-589] - Map Inbound DeliveryMode to ReceivedDeliveryMode
[AMQP-590] - Add Class/Package White List to Deserializing Message Converters.
[AMQP-592] - Add connectionLimit to CCF Namespace
[AMQP-593] - Add Documentation Note About Unique Reply Queues
1.5.5 版本:
[AMQP-587] - Build still fails Intermittently due to non-thread-safe use of Mockito
[AMQP-591] - CachingConnectionFactory leaks channels when using channelCacheSize & channelCheckoutTimeout settings
[AMQP-594] - @RabbitListener creates two listener instances if annotated method is implementing interface method