Apache Openmeetings 3.1.1 发布了,OpenMeetings是一个多语言可定制的视频会议和协作系统。它支持音频、视频,能让你查看每个与会者的桌面。OpenMeetings还包含一个白板,通过白板可以导入各种格式的图片和涂鸦。
CVE-2016-0783 - Predictable password reset token
CVE-2016-0784 - ZIP file path traversal
CVE-2016-2164 - Arbitrary file read via SOAP API
CVE-2016-2163 - Stored Cross Site Scripting in Event description
[OPENMEETINGS-1328] - ConfirmAjaxCallListener should be changed on standard wicket dialog in the MessagesContactsPanel
[OPENMEETINGS-1339] - Poll results shows uncorrectly
[OPENMEETINGS-1341] - White page is shown when user try to reset password
[OPENMEETINGS-1343] - Release signatures should be created automatically
[OPENMEETINGS-1346] - Error while import a backup from OM version 3.0.2
[OPENMEETINGS-1347] - missing sort functionality in administration view
[OPENMEETINGS-1348] - Backup import with LDAP users from 2.1.0 fails
[OPENMEETINGS-1351] - Call for Logo page does not say where to send contributions
[OPENMEETINGS-1354] - Backup zip is being extracted without necessary checks
[OPENMEETINGS-1355] - random UUID should be user to generate password reset hash
[OPENMEETINGS-1337] - Library versions should be updated (3.1.1)