SonarQube C# 5.0 发布了,Sonar (SonarQube)是一个开源平台,用于管理源代码的质量。Sonar 不只是一个质量数据报告工具,更是代码质量管理平台。支持的语言包括:Java、PHP、C#、C、Cobol、PL/SQL、Flex 等。
Interfaces with colliding, inherited members should explicitly redefine interface members
Type examining methods should be avoided on “System.Type” instances
“[DefaultValue]” should not be used when “[DefaultParameterValue]” is meant
Redundant property names should be omitted in anonymous classes
Declarations and initializations should be as concise as possible
Parameters with “[DefaultParameterValue]” attributes should also be “[Optional]“
Optional parameters should have the same default value in overrides
Result of integer division should not be assigned to floating point variable
[SONARCS-581] - Rename the "MSBuild SonarQube Runner" category into "Scanner for MSBuild"
[SONARCS-582] - Update issue tracker link in pom.xml since codehaus has been shut down
[SONARCS-583] - Support SonarLint for Visual Studio 2.0 Connected Mode
[SONARCS-584] - Add 17 new rules by upgrading to SonarAnalyzer C# version 1.10