Commons Configuration 2.0 发布了,Commons Configuration是一个java应用程序的配置管理类库。可以从properties或者xml文件中加载软件的配置信息,用来构建支撑软件运 行的基础环境。在一些配置文件较多较的复杂的情况下,使用该配置工具比较可以简化配置文件的解析和管理。也提高了开发效率和软件的可维护性。
Moved ConfigurationLogger class to io package to avoid cyclic dependencies between packages.CONFIGURATION-619:
CombinedConfigurationBuilder now supports inheritance of its parameters to child configuration sources. This is enabled by default.CONFIGURATION-615:
Changed generic types in the signatures of a MapConfiguration constructor and AbstractConfiguration.getList(String, List). These changes were made in version 1.10 as fixes for CONFIGURATION-557 and CONFIGURATION-558. But it had been missed to merge them to trunk.
Fixed two invalid examples in the user's guide for file-based configurations.CONFIGURATION-618:
When using immutable configurations exceptions thrown by the wrapped configuration came out as UndeclaredThrowableException. This has been fixed; now the correct original exception is thrown.