Rescatux 0.40 Beta 6 发布了,Rescatux是debian系列系统 (Ubuntu, Linux Mint 等) 下的图形化Grub/Grub2修复工具。Rescatux的最新版支持文件系统的检测。要想使用Rescatux,首先把它刻录到CD或者USB启动 上,重启,从 Live CD/USB 或启动,会自动弹出Grub 恢复界面。
(Fixed in 0.40b5) [#2192] UEFI boot support
(Fixed in 0.40b2) [#1323] GPT support
[#1364] Review Copyright notice
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2188] install-mbr : Windows 7 seems not to be fixed with it
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2190] debian-live. Include cpu detection and loopback cfg patches
(Reopened in: 0.40b1) [#2191] Change Keyboard layout
[#2192] UEFI boot support
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2193] bootinfoscript: Use it as a package
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2199] Btrfs support
(Closed in 0.40b1) [#2205] Handle different default sh script
(Fixed in 0.40b2) [#2216] Verify separated /usr support
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2217] chown root root on sudoers
[#2220] Make sure all the source code is available
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2221] Detect SAM file algorithm fails with directories which have spaces on them
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2227] Use chntpw 1.0-1 from Jessie
(Fixed in 0.40b1) [#2231] SElinux support on chroot options
[#2233] Disable USB automount
[#2236] chntpw based options need to be rewritten for reusing code
[#2239] that the image is based on Super Grub2 Disk version and not Isolinux.The step about extracting iso inside an iso would not be longer needed.”>Update doc: Put Rescatux into a media for Isolinux based cd
(Fixed in: 0.32b2) [#2259] Update bootinfoscript to the latest GIT version
[#2264] chntpw – Save prior registry files
[#2234] New option: Easy Grub fix
[#2235] New option: Easy Windows Admin
Super Grub2 Disk is no longer included. That makes easier to put the ISO to USB devices thanks to standard multiboot tools which support Debian Live cds.
Rescapp UI has been redesigned
Every option is at hand at the first screen.
Rescapp options can be scrolled. That makes it easier to add new options without bothering on final design.
Run option screen buttons have been rearranged to make it easier to read.
RazorQT has been replaced by LXDE which seems more mature. LXQT will have to wait.
WICD has been replaced by network-manager-gnome. That makes easier to connect to wired and wireless networks.
It is no longer based on Debian Unstable (sid) branch.