Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Alpha3 发布了,Hibernate Search的作用是对数据库中的数据进行检索的。它是hibernate对著名的全文检索系统Lucene的一个集成方案,作用在于对数据表中某些内容庞大的字段(如声明为text的字段)建立全文索引,这样通过hibernate search就可以对这些字段进行全文检索后获得相应的POJO,从而加快了对内容庞大字段进行模糊搜索的速度(sql语句中like匹配)。
It indexes your domain model with the help of a few annotations.
Takes care of database/index synchronization.
Brings back regular managed objects from free text queries.
Hibernate ORM 5.0.x
Apache Lucene 5.5.x
backends: Remote backends receiving an indexing job and executing it via different protocols.
build-config: Code related artefacts like checkstyle rules.
distribution: Builds the distribution package.
documentation: The project documentation.
engine: The engine of the project. Most of the beef is here.
integrationtest: Integration tests with various technologies like WildFly, Spring or Karaf. Also includes performance tests.
modules: Integration with WildFly using JBoss Modules.
orm: Native integration for Hibernate ORM.
serialization: Serialization code used by remote backends.
testing: Various helper classes to write tests using Hibernate Search. This module is semi private.