Redmine 3.2.1, 3.1.4 和 2.6.10 发布了。Redmine 是一个开源的、基于Web的项目管理和缺陷跟踪工具。它用日历和甘特图辅助项目及进度可视化显示。同时它又支持多项目管理。Redmine是一个自由开放 源码软件解决方案,它提供集成的项目管理功能,问题跟踪,并为多个版本控制选项的支持。
Redmine建立在Ruby on Rails的框架之上,支持跨平台和多种数据库。
Redmine 3.2.1 改进记录:
Defect #21588: Simplified Chinese "field_cvs_module" translation has problem
Defect #21656: Fix Non ASCII attachment filename encoding broken (MOJIBAKE) in Microsoft Edge Explorer
Defect #22072: Private notes get copied without private flag to Duplicate issues
Defect #22127: Issues can be assigned to any user
Defect #21219: Date pickers images for start/due date fields are not shown for issues with subtasks
Defect #21477: Assign to "Anonymous" doesn't make much sense
Defect #21488: Don't use past start date as default due date in the date picker
Defect #21504: IssuePriority.position_name not recalculated every time it should
Defect #21551: Private note flag disappears in issue update conflict
Defect #21843: Nokogiri security issue
Defect #21900: Moving a page with a child raises an error if target wiki contains a page with the same name as the child
Defect #20988: % done field shown on issue show subtree even if deactivated for that tracker
Defect #21263: Wiki lists in the sidebar are broken
Defect #21453: LDAP account creation fails when first name/last name contain non ASCII
Defect #21531: rdm-mailhandler with project-from-subaddress fails
Defect #21534: Backtrace cleaner should not clean plugin paths
Defect #21535: Moving a custom field value in the order switches in the edit view
Defect #21775: Field "Done" from issue subtasks table overlaps the layout in responsive mode, width 400
Defect #22108: Issues filter for CSV Export are not applied
Defect #22178: Grouping issues by key/value custom field raises error 500
Feature #21447: Option to show email adresses by default
Patch #21650: Simplified Chinese translation of wiki formating for 2.6-stable
Patch #21881: Russian wiki translation for 2.6-stable
Patch #21898: Catalan wiki translation for 2.6-stable
Patch #21456: Simplified Chinese translation of wiki formating for 3.1-stable
Patch #21686: Russian translation for 3.1-stable
Patch #21687: German translations for 3.1-stable
Patch #21689: Turkish translation for 3.1-stable
Patch #21882: Russian wiki translation for 3.1-stable
Patch #21899: Catalan wiki translation for 3.1-stable
Patch #22131: German translations for 3.1-stable
Patch #22139: Japanese wiki syntax (Markdown) translation for 3.1-stable
Patch #21436: Prevent admins from sending themselves their own password
Patch #21454: Simplified Chinese translation for 3.2.0
Patch #21487: Larger font for email notifications
Patch #21521: Updated Spanish and Spanish Panama Translations
Patch #21527: Russian translation for 3.2.0
Patch #21593: Add class to contextual edit button that relates to heading on wiki pages
Patch #21620: Turkish translation for 3.2-stable
Patch #21635: German translations for 3.2
Patch #21740: Fixes misspelled word "RMagcik" in configuration.yml.example
Patch #21847: Let mobile header be fixed
Patch #21867: Add column `estimated_hours` for CSV import.
Patch #21883: Russian wiki translation for 3.2-stable
Patch #22009: Japanese wiki syntax (Markdown) translation for 3.2-stable
Patch #22074: Prevent username from overlapping in mobile menu
Patch #22101: Set max-with to 100% for input, select and textea
Patch #22104: Prevent font scaling in landscape mode on webkit
Patch #22128: Attachment form too wide on small screens
Patch #22132: German translations for 3.2-stable
Redmine 3.1.4 2.6.10 改进记录,请看这里: