OPNsense 16.1 发布,更新如下:
src: FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p11[4]
bootstrap: can now update from any available FreeBSD 10 release
ports: libarchive 3.1.2_6[5], Suricata 3.0[6], squid 3.5.13[7], bind 9.10.3P3[8], sqlite 3.10.2[9], ntp 4.2.8p6[10],
firewall: lock source / destination port settings when neither TCP nor UDP is selected
firewall: simplify the outbound page to hide unwanted items and zap complicated explanations (contributed by Manuel Faux)
firewall: do not leak floating rules into other interface tabs
firewall: add clear button to all log file types
firewall: hide NAT rules from normal rules screen
firewall: removed the unsupported dscp rule option
firewall: display alias descriptions as tooltips (contributed by Manuel Faux)
universal plug and play: switch to secure mode as the new default
unbound: add MX entries to host overrides (contributed by Manuel Faux)
gateways: always safe the monitor IP regardless of monitoring being on or off
gateways: properly add and remove routes for monitors on toggle
backend: fix harmless error message caused by a sample template
high availability: allow specification of a different port for synchronisation
high availability: special characters are now being properly preserved
high availability: added new captive portal and traffic shaper as sync options
high availability: reworked and pruned the client synchronisation
firmware: optional php extensions now peacefully coexist with preinstalled extensions
firmware: update plugin list on refresh to reveal available plugin list
intrusion detection: adds intrusion prevention mode for netmap(4) devices (must disable Hardware CRC manually)
captive portal: completely rewritten on top of our new components
proxy: hook up remote ACL settings to translation engine (contributed by Fabian Franz)
proxy: add support for compressed ACLs (.gz, .tar.gz, .tgz, .zip)
proxy: fix toggle for storage log
ipsec: improve display of tunnel overview
openvpn: provide full ca chain on client export (contributed by Manuel Faux)
openvpn: fix engine detection for LibreSSL
layout: all tooltips and icons of action buttons have been updated for proper look and feel (contributed by Manuel Faux)
layout: added the infamous quick navigation feature
layout: consolidated the display of the upper right corner (user@host.domain)
interfaces: reworked all the pages for proper look and feel
interfaces: ARP and NDP tables have been rewritten and now properly show vendor info
login: improved look and feel
dashboard: rss widget has been reworked and its library has been updated to a new version
config: recover last backup automatically on broken xml
menu: properly aligned submenu icons
system: removed XDebug package from the default installation
更多内容请看:release announcement
下载: OPNsense-16.1-OpenSSL-cdrom-amd64.iso.bz2 (220MB, SHA256).
OPNsense 是一个开源易用,而且易于构建的基于 FreeBSD 的防火墙和路由平台。包括大多数商业防火墙的特性。提供功能完整却易用的 GUI 管理界面。
1GHz dual core cpu
Serial console or video
1.5GHz multi core cpu
Serial console or video