SmartGit 7.2 发布了。SmartGit 是一个 Git 版本控制系统的图形化客户端程序。
- Linux: GTK3 is now the default. Please report all bugs and only switch back
to GTK2 (SWT_GTK3=0) if absolutely necessary.
- updated SWT to version 4.614
support for multi-level branch hierarchies,
Compare/Conflict Solver allow to apply multiple changes,
File/Directory-Log with reduced memory consumption,
support for Mercurial 3.7.
- See more at:
Bug 修复
- SVN:
- Checkout: line ending correction did not work properly if "eol" attribute
was set, but "text" wan't
- Linux:
- GTK3:
- Preferences, Built-In Text Editors: first tab is not drawn
- Setup wizard: wrong input field focused by default