SourceTree 2.2.3 发布了,SourceTree 是 Windows 和 OS X 下免费的 Git 和 Hg 客户端。支持创建、克隆、提交、push、pull 和合并等操作。
All prior supported localizations have been restored and updated [SRCTREE-3549]
Tightened spacing between items in the source list [SRCTREE-3478]
Tree View now uses the OS folder representation [SRCTREE-3481]
Improved diff font fallback support
External Diff and Blame Selected... support in the File Log's contextual menu [SRCTREE-2867]
"Delete after applying" for stashes is remembered across uses now [SRCTREE-3596]
Bug 修复:
The white wizard has been banished (no more blank screens on launch) [SRCTREE-3546]
External merge with Kaleidoscope and Beyond Compare 4 works again [SRCTREE-3473, SRCTREE-3570]
Double-clicking to unstage files in git works again [SRCTREE-3586]
Creating an Hg Flow works reliably again [SRCTREE-3563]
Editing default URLs works reliably again [SRCTREE-3559]
Pushing a git tag to a remote works reliably again [SRCTREE-3564]
Applying a patch file works reliably again [SRCTREE-3562]
Addressed a number of additional regressions due to modal alert conversions
The push/pull count for the current branch is no longer indented [SRCTREE-3545]
Updated links [SRCTREE-3588, SRCTREE-3582]