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Springfox 2.4.0 发布


Springfox 2.4.0 发布了,Springfox的前身是swagger-springmvc,是一个开源的API doc框架,可以将我们的Controller的方法以文档的形式展现。该版本增加了一些新特性以及修复了大量Bug,具体记录如下:


(#1145) Generated file is not compatible with Swagger specification if method parameter is Object and is used as path parameter @tjuchniewicz
(#1122) Default page served isn't configurable and lacks search / listAll functionality @porcoesphino
(#1087) Change hardcoded "api_key" @JulianaRed
(#1061) Add support @RequestParam of type Map @matias2681
(#1046) Control over swagger contact object @smwurster
(#1037) Add support for multiple allowable values @smwurster
(#1023) Provide a method for Model Properties to by sorted by configurable methods @nickpanaiotov
(#969) Support alternate type resolution for @ModelAttribute annotated model fields @ejain
(#937) Add support for @ResponseHeader @MarkVanVenrooij
(#936) Add support for adding global tags to the docket @dilipkrish
(#735) Support for adding additional models for request or response that are not inferred from operationshas-workaround @cabbonizio
(#388) @ApiParam not working on Interface method declarations @charleslieferando
(#356) Support for JSR-303 (Java Bean Validation) @omayevskiy

Bug 修复

(#1194) Swagger-ui does not render correctly in safari
(#1193) NPE when Feign, Swagger and Spring Security are used - Brixton.BUILD-SNAPSHOT @varghgeorge
(#1186) Unwanted class with map of map attribute @cbornet
(#1174) Doc: includePatterns does not exist (anymore?) can-use-for-docs @vorburger
(#1147) Using parameterized types using Void resulting in invalid Swagger @nigelsim
(#1132) Api operations on abstract superclass not affected by @API tags @gionn
(#1129) Swagger2Controller.getDocumentation get IndexOutOfBoundsException @yqzhan2014
(#1127) Setup base URL after Swagger UI is initialized #1126   @chornyi
(#1126) Race condition and crash on Swagger UI startup @chornyi
(#1125) Service description has no api's as the path regular expression does not match any of the service @irfandawood
(#1051) Customised ObjectMapper not recognized @milanov
(#953) NullPointerException when extending controller classes with multiple parameterized types @woemler
(#902) @ApiImplicitParam: "array" dataType is getting resolved into "type":"ref" @anny-ts


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