Immutant 2.1.3 发布了,Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,这是一个基于 JBoss AS 7 的集成平台,用于 Ring 处理、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等。
该版本主要是小的 bug 修复和文档的完善,解决的问题包括:
- [IMMUTANT-599] - An async call in WildFly can result in a TimeoutException that permanently breaks an app
- [IMMUTANT-600] - Deploying a servlet to EAP fails if websockets isn't activated
- [IMMUTANT-601] - Document that a queue shouldn't be shared between 'listen and 'respond
- [IMMUTANT-604] - Using web/run :filter-map option causes ClassCastException
- [IMMUTANT-605] - Graceful Shutdown of Web Server
- [IMMUTANT-606] - deprecate util/app-root and util/app-relative
- [IMMUTANT-607] - Caching tests fail under WildFly 10.0.0.Final
- [IMMUTANT-609] - document org.immutant/wildfly dependency in installation & wildfly guides
- [IMMUTANT-610] - provide a non-decoded :path-info to ring
- [IMMUTANT-611] - Impossible to run handlers on IO thread (:dispatch? false)
- [IMMUTANT-612] - Passing undertow options to web/run can result in wrong :port in result