Apache NiFi 0.5.1 发布,Apache NiFi 是一个易于使用、功能强大而且可靠的数据处理和分发系统。Apache NiFi 是为数据流设计。它支持高度可配置的指示图的数据路由、转换和系统中介逻辑。
该版本解决了 12 个问题,包括:
[NIFI-1497] - Access token not included in all requests
[NIFI-1514] - ExecuteStreamCommand does not split command line arguments by provided separator when these come from expression language evaluation
[NIFI-1520] - Evaluate/Fix LICENSE/NOTICE entries on Javadoc/Sources bundles
[NIFI-1527] - Resource Claim counts not incremented on restart for FlowFiles that are swapped out
[NIFI-1529] - hadoop-libraries-nar dependency issue for httpclient and httpcore
[NIFI-1536] - multiple putHDFS processors can result in put failures.
[NIFI-1542] - PutS3Object Processor Logs Errors Without ListBucketMultipartUploads Permission
[NIFI-1545] - Update AWS S3 IT tests for new proxy properties
[NIFI-1546] - Content Viewer breaks when data reference query is null
[NIFI-1548] - Controller Service "Usage" Icon not working
[NIFI-1557] - Controller Services and Reporting Tasks not properly ordered in fingerprint verification - makes restart/upgrades difficult
[NIFI-1282] - Error message for attempting to disabled port doesn't match error message for processors
[NIFI-1556] - Perform Release Management Functions for 0.5.1