Apache Fineract 0.6.0-incubating 发布了。
Apache Fineract 是一个开源的系统,用于核心银行系统平台化建设。为创业者、金融机构和服务提供商提供了一个可靠、健壮的、可负担得起的金融服务解决方案。
Workflow implementation with entity data tables
Updating readme.md with relevant user manuals
Added instructions in readme.md about how to run RAT
FINERACT-288 - Client's Image Uploaded Not Showing on UI in Amazon S3
FINERACT-260 - Validation need to be added if the client charge is applied before client activation date
FINERACT-267 - Foreclosure Issue: Loan with Installment fee status is overpaid
FINERACT-309 - Editing 'Product Mix' Not Working
FINERACT-361 - Getting error.msg.loanschedule.emi.amount.must.be.greter.than.interest on loan submit
Fix to charge fees when total amount changed during approval
Remove unnecessary checking for missing joined date