TeXstudio 是一款开源跨平台(La)TeX编辑软件,界面与 Texmaker 类似。TeXstudio 为用户提供互动式拼写检查、代码折叠、语法高亮、代码提示和自动完成等特性,功能丰富,界面美观,但软件本身不提供底层功能,需要使用者自行安装 LaTeX(XeLaTeX)等编译软件,例如 MiKTeX 或 TeXLive ,软件本身源于 Texmaker。
软件基于 Qt 开发。
TeXstudio 2.12.0 ---------------- - improved user interface: optimized layout, some new icons, some changes of color - warn if file-saving fails - cwl-based highlighting of todo-like commands - partly support \todo commands spanning multiple lines (starting line is considered for highlighting and structure entry) - partly support highlighting of multi-line titles: first line is highlighted - move cursor to context in line when clicking on log entry - add "Move all to other view" to editor tabs context menu - add shortcut Ctrl+Alt+X to open the current pdf in the external viewer - open the annotation dialog by double-clicking on an annotation in the list - indicate LanguageTool server in tooltip - indicate cursor RTL state in status bar - build commands can be edited in non-advanced mode - auto user commands on single argument math commands e.g. \overbrace{abc} - support \input of PGF/TikZ files in graphics wizard - support fix %BEGIN_FOLD in .rnw files - improved highlighting for pweave and sweave - improved tooltips on structure entries - improved text completion: support compound words, apostrophe, subscript in braces, words with underscores - Parenthesis -> Select Inner/Outer work also when the cursor is not next to a parenthesis but inside - don't clear highlights of search in pdf after timeout - revert to pre 2.11.0 save method on windows because the new QSaveFile has problems with Dropbox folders - option to disable safe writing of files (using QSaveFile) - non-Windows only - option to disable showing logfile/error list in case of compile errors - option to deactivate all reactions to external file changes - option to control the triple click behavior - additional shortcuts with Tab, Backspace, Del in shortcut options - portable version does now store all settings in a subfolder "config" - improved automatic handling of hg version information (relevant when building from source tar) - improved handling of cwl dublets - use Ctrl+Space for completion on OS X (was Cmd+Space which conflicts with Spotlight search) - deprecate command line option --ini-file FILE in favor of --config DIR - deprecate command line option --master in favor of --root - remove View -> Align Windows (obsolete because of the embedded viewer) - remove old toolbox style of side panel - fix crash (newenv without any arguments) - fix freeze when parsing incorrect \texorpdfstring with incorrect arguments (bug 1948) - fix label detection in glossaries.cwl (bug 1963) - fix: automatically run bibliography if there is no bbl file - fix: "Close last open environment" works now also for environments opened on the same line (bug 1957) - fix: hg version comparision assumed 'larger' if the version could not be determined - fix: do not lose focus to editor for "Find in PDF" - fix grammar check on words in text arguments - fix addchap/addpart entries not recognized as structure elements - fix incorrect double-click and drag behavior (bug 1936) - fix issues with not-updated bookmarks (bug 1950) - fix math hover preview in subfile - fix "Tab or Indent Selection" - fix detection of MikTeX 64bit - fix build with phonon - improved some cwl files