Ionic 2.0.0 rc5 发布了,Ionic Framework 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。该版本主要修复了一些 bug:
clickblock: add NavOptions.minClickBlockDuration (8ca9797)
datetime: enable custom day values (#9708) (acba3c0), closes #7190 #7190
input: fix the text jumping for stacked/floating inputs on iOS (877fcf1), closes #9605
input: only add padding right if it has clear input (717cada), closes #9865
input: remove click events from disabled inputs (#9676) (22ba043), closes #9070
list: add border to last item in MD list (#9679) (64346bd), closes #9619
platform: only set isPortrait when the width/height is set (e9adab0)
scroll: handle low duration in scrollTo (14eb2fd)
show-hide-when: remove whitespaces from conditions before check phase (#9573) (cd342c2)