memcached 1.4.34 发布了,memcached 是一套高性能、分布式内存对象缓存系统,通用性质,旨在用于通过减轻数据库负载加快动态 Web 应用。
-o modern
switches to -hmetadump: Fix preventing dumping of class 63
Fix cache_memlimit bug for > 4G values
metadump: ensure buffer is flushed to client before finishing
Number of small fixes/additions to new logging
add logging endpoint for LRU crawler
evicted_active counter for LRU maintainer
stop pushing NULL byte into watcher stream
Scale item hash locks more with more worker threads (minor performance)
Further increase systemd service hardening
Missing necessary header for atomic_inc_64_nv() used in logger.c (solaris)
Fix print format for idle timeout thread
Improve binary sasl security fixes
Fix clang compile error
Widen systemd caps to allow maxconns to increase
Add -X option to disable cachedump/metadump
Don't double free in lru_crawler on closed clients
Fix segfault if metadump client goes away