Gitlab 8.4.2 发布,更新如下:
CE/EE: Bump required gitlab-workhorse version to bring in a fix for missing artifacts in the build artifacts browser (!2616)
CE/EE: Get rid of those ugly borders on the file tree view (!2615)
CE/EE: Fix updating the runner information when asking for builds (!2618)
CE/EE: Bump gitlab_git version to 7.2.24 in order to bring in a performance improvement when checking if a repository was empty (!2535)
CE/EE: Add instrumentation for Gitlab::Git::Repository instance methods so we can track them in Performance Monitoring. (!2528)
CE/EE: Increase contrast between highlighted code comments and inline diff marker (!2629)
CE/EE: Fix method undefined when using external commit status in builds (!2576)
EE: Elasticsearch indexer performance improvements (!140)
EE: Don’t redirect away from Mirror Repository settings when repo is empty (!135)
EE: Fix updating of branches in mirrored repository (!136)
EE: Fix a 500 error preventing LDAP users with 2FA enabled from logging in (!146)
EE: Rake task gitlab:elastic:index_repositories handles errors and shows progress (!143)
EE: Partial Elasticsearch indexing of repo on push (!142)
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开源中国代码托管平台 就是基于 GitLab 项目搭建。
GitLab是一个利用 Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。
GitLab 5.0以前版本要求服务器端采用 Gitolite 搭建,5.0版本以后不再使用 Gitolite ,采用自己开发的 gitlab-shell 来实现。如果你觉得安装麻烦可以使用 GitLab Installers 一键安装程序。