Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.17 发布了,Oak 是一个可伸缩、高性能分层次的内容资源库。这是 Jackrabbit 的子项目之一。
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.17 是一个不稳定的版本,更新的重点是新功能和其他改进。对于生产使用,我们建议采用最新的稳定的 1.4.x 版本。本次更新如下:
[OAK-5167] - Document garbage collection
[OAK-5251] - Test failure: externalAddOffline(org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.BlobIdTrackerTest)
[OAK-5260] - Incorrect handling of subpaths with leading left curly bracket
[OAK-5262] - Test failure:NodeTypeIndexingUtilsTest.testSynonymsFileCreation
[OAK-5285] - Test failures in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob
[OAK-5336] - Update milestone dependency to org.apache.directory.api.api-all
[OAK-5339] - Test failure:BackgroundObserverTest.testExcludeSomeCommits()
[OAK-5349] - RepositoryManager does not register VersionHook
[OAK-5353] - Services registered by SegmentNodeStoreService should consistently expose the role
[OAK-5354] - Security: the order of child should be correct if the child nodes are readable.
[OAK-5358] - test failures for oak-auth-ldap on Windows
[OAK-5359] - Cancelled garbage collection not reported to GCMonitor
[OAK-5235] - Document the new caching datastore
[OAK-2821] - PersistentCache not used for RDBBlobStore
[OAK-4873] - Avoid running GC too frequently
[OAK-5273] - Reintroduce tests disabled or removed for OAK-5223
[OAK-5337] - LastRevRecoveryAgent should avoid recovering documents from its own cluster id if the instance is running
[OAK-5366] - Optimize pre-filtering with long paths
[OAK-4309] - Align property labels and descriptions in SegmentNodeStoreService
[OAK-5293] - Static code analysis and code cleanup
[OAK-5318] - Update Oak trunk to Jackrabbit 2.13.7
[OAK-5351] - Disable RevisionGCMBean registration for non primary SegmentNodeStore