Pinpoint 1.6.0 发布了。主要更新如下:
Added Hystrix support - #1594, #2101 (Contributed by jiaqifeng)
Added ActiveMQ support - #1709
Added Apache cxf client support - #1994 (Contributed by barneykim)
Added JBOSS support - #2001, #2026, #2117, #2170 (Contributed by suraj-raturi)
Modified a number of log levels in JDBC plugins - #1729
Added options to allow for additional configuration in tracing JDBC drivers - #2083
TProtocolDecorators are now supported for Thrift plugin - #2106
Spring plugin now supports tracing component-scanned beans - #2143
Improved Tomcat plugin stability - #2155, #2159, #2166, #2168
Fixed a bug where Tomcat wasn't being traced if excludeUrl was not set - #2077
Fixed a bug where traces from JDK-HTTP plugin would not render destination nodes in the server map - #2010
Added tests for mybatis-spring v1.3+ #1703
maria-db-java-client libraries are now pulled from maven central when running MariaDB integration test - #2072
Added support for tracing message queue clients - #1708
Added support for using NIO for UDPDataSender - #1711
CPU statistics can now be collected when using IBM JVMs - #1756
Upgraded Javaassist library (3.20.0-GA -> 3.21.0-GA) - #1807
You may now choose to use ASM (default) to do bytecode instrumentation - #2017
API information can now be stored as SpanEvent annotation field - #2018
Removed JDK logger dependency from bootstrap module - #2026
Agent now uses JDK's ThreadLocalRandom when running on Java 7+ - #2027
You can now trace Pinpoint Web using Pinpoint! - #2044
Main classes used to detect application type are now configurable - #2156
You may now use ant-style patterns when configuring custom classes to trace - #2173
Agent's child directories are now resolved using their canonical path - #2202
Collector statistics report is now a lot more detailed - #1990
Web now displays detailed error message for uncaught server exceptions - #535
API for user data is now ordered - #1723
API for user data now uses a parameter object - #1723
Added support for storing total number of registered agents into a relational database- #1883
Added additional query parameters for alarm rule API - #1887
Configuration API now returns additional result - #1900
Real time scatter chart now retries request on 5xx errors - #1928
Improved real time scatter chart performance - #1986
Removed a number of $timeout that led to performance issues in Inspector - #2176, #2177,#2194
Added parameter verification to certain APIs - #2217
Improved agent stat data storage - #1533
Changed hbase client - #1613
Added support for relative path execution of #2261 (Contributed by fanyeren)
修复 Bug:
Fixed an issue where array typed fields and their getter/setter could not be injected - #1879
Fixed an issue where profiler.include was not working as intended - #1947
Added additional checks to prevent agent from registering multiple transformers for the same class - #2178
Fixed send retry policy for TCPDataSender - #2198
Fixed potential thread safety issue with InterceptorScope - #2259
Fixed an issue where ASMClass.addDelegatorMethod() would produce incorrect bytecode - #2264
Fixed concurrency issue for real time active thread chart - #1482
Pinpoint web now scans for mapper files in all class paths - #1746
Fixed an issue where a wrong agent was selected when dragging on the scatter chart - #1797
Fixed an issue where a different focus time was being selected in the call tree - #1828
Fixed an issue where a wrong application name was being displayed in the Transaction List -#1872
Removed pop up warnings for jquery-layout components - #1873
Fixed an issue where the Transaction List would not load when the page is loaded through url -#1877
Fixed an issue where toggling success/failed check boxes in the scatter chart would show a different agent's data - #2004
Fixed an issue where agent information was not being reset when selecting a different application in Inspector - #2082
Fixed an issue where changing applications with real time chart pinned would result in incorrect summation of active threads - #2085
Fixed an issue where the Server-List layer's scatter chart would not update itself under real time mode - #2137
Scatter chart's total request count is now calculated correctly - #2163
Fixed incorrect date calculation when time slider's previous/next button is selected in Inspector -#2197
Events are now properly cleared from the time slider when selecting different agents in Inspector- #2206
Fixed an issue where the response time chart's layout would break when the link node is clicked more than once - #2224
Fixed incorrect binding of ${buildtime} variable - #2266
Fixed an issue where scatter chart stuck when the y-axis max value is modified #2299
Modified UI for configuration modal - #1706
Improved UI for alarm configuration - #1715, #1725, #1706, #1889, #1902
Removed beta tag from Pinpoint logo - #1731
Changed label for switching to real time mode (from an icon to text) - #1764
Added scatter charts under Server List - #1787
Improved Inspector UI and added a time slider - #1799, #1800, #1803, #1815, #1831
Changed date formats for charts in Inspector - #1835
Added active thread chart to Inspector - #2054, #2056, #2057, #2058, #2208
Application select box now shows more applications - #2137
Transaction List now forbids events from firing until it has finished loading - #2130
Iframe inside Transaction List is no longer cached - #2145
Modified UI for the Server List layer
The position of Transaction List's handle bar is now remembered - #1797
Adding applications to "favorites" is now instantly applied to application select box - #1832
Added an option to set user's time zone - #1997
It is now impossible to drag outside the scatter chart - #2105
Added paging for displaying response summary charts for unknown nodes - #2150
Upgraded HBase library (1.0.0-cdh5.4.0 -> 1.2.0-cdh5.7.3) - #1684
Upgraded go js library (1.5.19 -> 1.6.5) - #1731
Upgraded select2.js component - #1737
Upgraded various dependency libraries - #1749
Upgraded Javaassist library (3.20.0-GA -> 3.21.0-GA) - #1807 (Contributed by dawidmalina)
Upgraded netty library (3.6.6.Final -> 3.10.6.Final) - #2026
Upgraded maven clover plugin - #1757
Upgraded HBase version for docker HBase image (1.0.3 -> 1.2.3) - #2127 (Contributed by mvlbarcelos)