Spring Framework 5.0 M4 发布了,Spring Framework 为基于 Java 的企业应用提供了一个全面的编程和配置模型。
[SPR-14991] - Add an automatic flushing mechanism for RxNetty
[SPR-14992] - Add an integration test to validate Reactor Netty automatic flushing
[SPR-14773] - CssLinkResourceTransformer should not transform gzipped CSS files
[SPR-14860] - RestTemplate POST and PUT don't work with Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory
[SPR-14889] - Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory should use SSL if port is 443 or scheme is https
[SPR-14891] - Content-based versions are not inserted into resource URLs in an error page
[SPR-14892] - Injecting bean in configurable class using load-time weaving broken when referenced on scoped-proxy class
[SPR-14899] - sse breaks with indenting serializer
[SPR-14904] - Make andRoute() a drop-in replacement for and(route())
[SPR-14907] - ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver should not log propagated exceptions at warn level
[SPR-14917] - AbstractSockJsSession deadlock when tomcat WsSession is closing
[SPR-14929] - ConversionService performance regression
[SPR-14931] - NPE in LoadTimeWeavingConfiguration: loadTimeWeaver() called too early
[SPR-14934] - PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver provides duplicate resources with relative URL
[SPR-14941] - NPE is thrown while writing the response
[SPR-14965] - Self reference fallback in 4.3 is not meant to apply to collection elements
[SPR-14971] - List-to-String conversion exception does not refer to element type
[SPR-14972] - ImportAware.setImportMetadata not invoked if import inherited from superclass with negative condition
[SPR-14975] - Exception accessing static resources in Spring Web Reactive with Netty
[SPR-14978] - Concurrency problem in DeferredResult: potential double execution of handleResult
[SPR-14996] - Behaviour of field injection for List dependencies that are produced and consumed by the same configuration class has changed in 4.3.5 snapshots
[SPR-15013] - JsonObjectDecoder throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 with valid input
[SPR-15019] - Pointcut evaluation fails against AbstractHandlerMethodMapping$MappingRegistry with AspectJ 1.8.10
[SPR-15031] - MBeanExporter fails against null beans
[SPR-15042] - Regression with poolTargetSource and scoped proxy
[SPR-15055] - AutoProxyRegistrar throws NullPointer on @kotlin.Metadata Annotation
[SPR-15060] - Annotated method argument matching performance issue