Jest 18.1.0 发布了,Jest 是 Facebook 开源的无痛 JavaScript 测试工具。Jest 默认使用 Jasmine assertions,模块化,可扩展、可配置。Jest 也可以捕获 React 或其他可序列化值的快照,以便快速编写测试,并提供无缝的更新体验。
Fixed console.log and fake timer behavior in node 7.3
Updated istanbul-api
Updated jest-diff equality error message
Disabled arrow keys when entering a pattern in watch mode to prevent broken behavior。Will be improved in a future release。
Moved asymmetric matchers and equality functionality from Jasmine into jest-matchers
Removed jasmine and jest-snapshot dependency from jest-matchers
Removed unused global context variable
Show a better error message if the config is invalid JSON
Highlight trailing whitespace in assertion diffs and snapshots
Jest now uses micromatch instead of minimatch
Added -h as alias for --help