Apache UIMA AS 2.9.0 发布了。
UIMA Java 框架产生的目的是为了构建一个 UIMA 兼容的 Java 分析引擎。
UIMA 是非结构化信息管理体系结构(Unstructured Information Management Architecture,UIMA)在字处理文档、电子邮件、视频和其他非结构化信息中搜索特定的文本甚至概念。从而发现、组织和传送有用的知识给客 户。在分析非结构化的信息的过程中,应用的算法有统计的方法、基于规则的自然语言处 理(NLP)、信息修复(IR)、机器学习(Machine Learning)和本体论(Ontologies)等。IBM的UIMA 就是一种Framework,该Frmaework便于开发者实现、描述、组合、布署UIMA的组件和应用。
Updated to use Activemq 5.14.0
Added dependency on UIMA SDK 2.9.0
Fixed http based service connectivity
Added support for automatic recovery of temp queues after broker
Fixed per CAS Performance Metrics breakdown
Fixed per process CPU & RSS reporting
Fixed example runtime configurations
Fixed error recovery on exception while deserializing a CAS
"Pinned" JMX MBeans to a specific deployment to enable orderly cleanup
Fixed support of AMQ white listing of packages
Added support to disable JMX via a new argument
Fixed dd2spring issues
Updated version checker to test compatibility with UIMA SDK.