MongoDB 3.3.2 发布了,这是一个开发版本,请勿在产品环境中使用。
SERVER-2235 IndexScan should track the number of calls to seek() and
expose in explain
SERVER-4494 explain output should include index version
SERVER-7285 Support systemd in future compatible distributions
SERVER-12941 Improve error message for createIndexes commands with blank
SERVER-13411 parallelCollectionScan does not provide a time limit option
SERVER-14662 Positional projection queries (and positional update ops)
should fail with error if multiple arrays encountered
SERVER-15482 $size with non-whole-number parameter shouldn't require full
SERVER-18115 The planner can add an unnecessary in-memory sort stage for
.min()/.max() queries
SERVER-18329 Add Debian 8 (Jessie) builds and associated package repository
SERVER-18783 Upgrade MongoDB past PCRE 8.37
SERVER-18824 Support matching text that has embedded NUL bytes with $regex
SERVER-19783 Query parser does not correctly handle geonear predicates
with other predicates in the same field
SERVER-20290 Recipient shard for migration can continue on retrieving data
even after donor shard aborts
SERVER-20792 Hyphen in text search doesn't behave correctly based on usual
SERVER-22041 Count command does not respect hint if query predicate is