Angular 2.3.1 发布了,Angular 是一款十分流行且好用的 Web 前端框架,目前由 Google 维护。
animations: always run the animation queue outside of zones
Bug 修复:
animations: always cleanup players after they have finished internally
animations: throw errors and normalize offset beyond the range of 0,1,
compiler: emit quoted object literal keys if the source is quoted
compiler: fix merge error in compiler_host
compiler: fix PR 13322
compiler: fix simplify a reference without a name
compiler: fix transpiled ES5 code
compiler: generated CSS files suffixed with ngstyle
compiler: make sure provider values with
property don’t breakcompiler: narrow the span reported for invalid pipes
compiler: propagate exports when upgrading metadata to v2
compiler: resolver should merge host bindings and listeners
compiler: support dotted property binding
compiler: update to metadata version 3
core: detectChanges() doesn't work on detached instance
core: properly destroy embedded Views attatched to ApplicationRef
core: remove logError from logGroup
forms: ensure
retains selectionsforms: fix Validators.min/maxLength with FormArray
forms: introduce checkbox required validator
http: check response body text against undefined
http: create a copy of headers when merge options
language-service: correctly type
compiler: better error when directive not listed in NgModule.declarations
language-service: treat string unions as strings
router: add support for query params with multiple values
router: Use T type in Resolve interface
selector: SelectorMatcher match elements with :not selector
tsc-wrapped: generate metadata for exports without module specifier
upgrade: fix downgrade content projection and injector inheritance (86c5098)
upgrade: enable Angular 1 unit testing of upgrade module