昨天才刚刚发布“没有 Angular 3 ,Angular 4 计划2017年3月发布”的消息,今天 Angular 4 就来了,首个Bata 版本已经发布。
由于想将核心包版本对齐,加上语义化版本控制,Angular 2 之后将迎来 Angular 4。
fix(编译器):修复 compiler_host 中的合并错误
common: add a
pipecommon: export NgLocaleLocalization
compiler: add id property to i18nMessage
compiler: digest methods return i18nMessage id if sets
forms: add novalidate by default
http: simplify URLSearchParams creation
language-service: warn when a method isn't called in an event
platform browser: introduce Meta service
router: routerLink add tabindex attribute
testing: add overrideTemplate method
common ngIf now supports else; saves condition to local var