Spring Roo 2.0.0.M3 发布了,开发团队称这是 Spring Roo 2.0 的第三个里程碑版本,也是最后一个。从现在开始,他们将开始第一个候选版的开发工作。
M3 生成完全功能的 Spring 应用,此版本包括所生成应用的体系结构的重要更改,应与 RC1 将引入的改进兼容,但不能保证,因此使用 M3 生成的项目可能将不能自动升级到 RC1。
Improved entity relationship support.
Master-detail views generation for easier entity relationships management.
Added support to create DTOs.
Default queries are implemented using QueryDSL in custom Spring Data repositories.
Added security commands to grant permissions easier.
Spring Web Flow command lives again!
Create Webservice endpoints and/or Webservice clients is easier than ever.
Even easier is to scaffold your REST API.
Support to send and receive emails added.
Support to send and receive JMS messages added.
Update dependencies: Thymeleaf 3.0, Spring Boot 1.4
The Spring IDE Roo Support for Roo 2.0.0.M3 has been updated.
Improved the Spring Roo Shell help system usability.
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