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Libgdx 1.9.5 发布,开源跨平台游戏开发框架


Libgdx 1.9.5 发布了。Libgdx是一个跨平台的开发框架。它目前支持的平台有Windows,Mac OS X,Android,IOS 和 HTML5。



  • - Fix NPE swallowing "video driver unsupported" error on LWJGL 2 backend.

  • - Allow window icons to be set in Lwjgl3ApplicationConfiguration or Lwjgl3WindowConfiguration.

  • - Allow window icon and title to be changed in Lwjgl3Window

  • - API Addition: ApplicationLogger interface, allowing easier access to custom logging

  • - DefaultRenderableSorter accounts for center of Renderable mesh, see https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/pull/4319

  • - Bullet: added FilterableVehicleRaycaster, see https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/pull/4361

  • - Bullet: updated to 2.85, see: http://bulletphysics.org/wordpress/?p=456

  • - Updated iOS native build scripts to iOS 10.1 and TVOS 10.0

  • - API Addition: BitmapFont#blankLineScale.

  • - Fixed rounding of Drawables in ProgressBar. Allow rounding to be disabled with setRound().

  • - Updated LWJGL3 backend to LWJGL 3.1.0, see https://blog.lwjgl.org/lwjgl-3-1-0-released/

  • - LWJGL3 backend now supports non-continuous rendering, see https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/pull/3772

  • - API Change: Lwjgl3WindowListener.refreshRequested() is called when the windowing system (GLFW) reports contents of a window are dirty and need to be redrawn.

  • - API Change: Lwjgl3WindowListener.maximized() is called when a window enters or exits a maximized state.

  • - API Change: Lwjgl3WindowListener.deiconified() removed, combined with .iconified().

  • - API Change: Lwjgl3Window.deiconify() renamed to .restore() since it can also be used to de-maximize a window.

  • - Lwjgl3Window now has a maximize() method, and windows can be started maximized using the window or app configuration's setMaximized() method.

  • - NinePatch can now be drawn rotated or scaled.

  • - NinepatchDrawable is now a TransformDrawable.

  • - API Change: Group add* methods no longer remove and re-add the actor if it is already in the group, instead they do nothing.

  • - API Change: g2d.Animation is now generic so it can support Drawables, PolygonRegions, NinePatches, etc. To fix existing code, specify the TextureRegion type in animation declarations (and instantiations in Java 6), i.e. Animation<TextureRegion> myAnimation = new Animation<TextureRegion>(...);

  • - TiledDrawable throws unsupported operation if trying to draw rotated/scaled. #4005

  • - API Change: DragAndDrop now puts default position of drag actor at pointer location. The original default offset from the pointer was (14, -20).

  • - Added ShaderProgramLoader for AssetManager.

  • - BoundingBox#isValid now returns also true when min==max, see: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/pull/4460


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