Coq 8.6 rc1 发布了,Coq 是一款交互式证明辅助工具,采用OCaml开发,提供一套证明系统,可以编写证明,检查证明。Coq 也提供一套形式化语言,可编写数学算法、定义、定理。Coq也可以用于程序的正确性证明(比如操作系统的安全性和编译器的正确性)。
A new, faster state-of-the-art universe constraint checker by Jacques-Henri Jourdan.
In CoqIDE and other asynchronous interfaces, more fine-grained asynchronous processing and error reporting by Enrico Tassi, making Coq capable of recovering from errors and continuing to process the document.
Better access to the proof engine features from Ltac: goal management primitives, range selectors and a typeclasses eauto engine handling multiple goals and multiple successes, by Cyprien Mangin, Matthieu Sozeau and Arnaud Spiwack.
Tactic behavior uniformization and specification, generalization of intro-patterns by Hugo Herbelin and others.
A brand new warning system allowing to control warnings, turn them into errors or ignore them selectively by Maxime Dénès, Guillaume Melquiond, Pierre-Marie Pédrot and others.
Irrefutable patterns in abstractions, by Daniel de Rauglaudre.
The ssreflect subterm selection algorithm by Georges Gonthier and Enrico Tassi, now accessible to tactic writers through the ssrmatching plugin.
LtacProf, a profiler for Ltac by Jason Gross, Paul Steckler, Enrico Tassi and Tobias Tebbi.
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