Percona Monitoring Plugins 1.1.7 发布,更新内容如下:
New Nagios script for MongoDB.
Added MySQL socket and flag options to Cacti PHP script.
Added disk volume check on “Mounted on” in addition to “Filesystem” to Cacti PHP script to allow monitoring of tmpfs mounts.
Allow delayed slave to have SQL thread stopped on pmp-check-mysql-replication-delay check.
Fix for –unconfigured flag of pmp-check-mysql-replication-delay.
Fix for max_duration check of pmp-check-mysql-innodb when system and MySQL timezones mismatch.
Fix rare nrpe broken pipe error on pmp-check-unix-memory check.
Updated package spec files.
Percona Monitoring Plugins 是一个高质量的组件为 MySQL 数据库添加企业级的监控和图表功能,另外该插件可以和Nagios 或者是 Cacti 等监控系统的集成。