Tor Browser 6.0a1/5.5 发布,6.0a1 更新内容如下:
All Platforms
Bug 18113: Randomly permutate available default bridges of chosen type
Bug 11773: Setup wizard UI flow improvements
Translation updates
Bug 16990: Show circuit display for connections using multi-party channels
Bug 18019: Avoid empty prompt shown after non-en-US update
Bug 18004: Remove Tor fundraising donation banner
Code cleanup
Translation updates
Update Firefox to 38.6.0esr
Update NoScript to
Update Torbutton to 1.9.5
Update Tor Launcher to 0.2.9
Bug 17428: Remove Flashproxy
Bug 18072: Change recommended pluggable transport type to obfs4
Bug 18008: Create a new MAR Signing key and bake it into Tor Browser
Bug 16322: Use onion address for DuckDuckGo search engine
Bug 17917: Changelog after update is empty if JS is disabled
Bug 17790: Map the proper SHIFT characters to the digit keys (fix of #15646)
Build System
Bug 15578: Switch to Debian Wheezy guest VMs (10.04 LTS is EOL)
Tor Browser 5.5 -- January 27 2016
All Platforms
Bug 18113: Randomly permutate available default bridges of chosen type
Bug 16990: Show circuit display for connections using multi-party channels
Bug 18019: Avoid empty prompt shown after non-en-US update
Bug 18004: Remove Tor fundraising donation banner
Bug 16940: After update, load local change notes
Bug 17108: Polish about:tor appearance
Bug 17568: Clean up tor-control-port.js
Bug 16620: Move handling into a Firefox patch
Bug 17351: Code cleanup
Translation updates
Update Firefox to 38.6.0esr
Update libevent to 2.0.22-stable
Update NoScript to
Update Torbutton to
Update Tor Launcher to
Bug 13313: Bundle a fixed set of fonts to defend against fingerprinting
Bug 10140: Add new Tor Browser locale (Japanese)
Bug 17428: Remove Flashproxy
Bug 13512: Load a static tab with change notes after an update
Bug 9659: Avoid loop due to optimistic data SOCKS code (fix of #3875)
Bug 15564: Isolate SharedWorkers by first-party domain
Bug 16940: After update, load local change notes
Bug 17759: Apply whitelist to local fonts in @font-face (fix of #13313)
Bug 17009: Shift and Alt keys leak physical keyboard layout (fix of #15646)
Bug 17790: Map the proper SHIFT characters to the digit keys (fix of #15646)
Bug 17369: Disable RC4 fallback
Bug 17442: Remove custom updater certificate pinning
Bug 16620: Move handling into a Firefox patch
Bug 17220: Support math symbols in font whitelist
Bug 10599+17305: Include updater and build patches needed for hardened builds
Bug 18115+18104+18071+18091: Update/add new obfs4 bridge
Bug 18072: Change recommended pluggable transport type to obfs4
Bug 18008: Create a new MAR Signing key and bake it into Tor Browser
Bug 16322: Use onion address for DuckDuckGo search engine
Bug 17917: Changelog after update is empty if JS is disabled
Bug 17250: Add localized font names to font whitelist
Bug 16707: Allow more system fonts to get used on Windows
Bug 13819: Ship expert bundles with console enabled
Bug 17250: Fix broken Japanese fonts
Bug 17870: Add intermediate certificate for authenticode signing
Bug 17122: Rename Japanese OS X bundle
Bug 16707: Allow more system fonts to get used on OS X
Bug 17661: Whitelist font .Helvetica Neue DeskInterface
更多内容请看:gk's blog
Tor Browser Bundle 是一个基于 Firefox ESR (Firefox with extended support) 的 Web 浏览器,默认配置通过 Tor 和 Vidalia 实现了个人隐私保护和匿名。该版本包括三个扩展:Torbutton, NoScript and HTTPS-Everywhere.