Apache Struts 2.5.7 发布了,Struts 是 Apache软件基金会(ASF)赞助的一个开源项目。它最初是 Jakarta项目中的一个子项目,并在2004年3月成为ASF的顶级项目。它通过采用 Java Servlet/JSP 技术,实现了基于Java EE Web应用的MVC设计模式的应用框架,是MVC经典设计模式中的一个经典产品。
当使用 URLValidator 时可能出现 DoS 攻击 - S2-044
[WW-2561] - Included XSL files' URI not being resolved for actions with result type="xslt"
[WW-3019] - ConcurrentModificationException using s:iterator (intermittent)
[WW-3170] - ObjectFactory reporting ERROR's when you attempt to set parameters on a Redirect result
[WW-3654] - Failed validation returns Action.NONE instead of Action.INPUT
[WW-3957] - Multiple concurrent AJAX requests can collide
[WW-3995] - please change reset.ftl so html id is not lost
[WW-4367] - preselect values in <s:optgroup>
[WW-4636] - File upload error message always in default language
[WW-4701] - Can no longer clear parameter on a <s:url> tag.
[WW-4702] - List based parameters no longer work when there is only one value.
[WW-4703] - NullPointerException in ActionSupport when use ModelDriven
[WW-4707] - Multiselect parameter behavior different between struts 2.5.5 and 2.5.1
[WW-4708] - struts2-archetype-blank not found for struts v2.5.5
[WW-4709] - Invalid field value for field "id"
[WW-4715] - Scope interceptor always resets because of org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.HttpParameters
[WW-4716] - HelloWorldTest throws NullPointerException
[WW-4718] - focusElement form attribute not working
[WW-4722] - Portlet Issue with I18Interceptor
[WW-2454] - TestNG dependency update from 5.1 to 5.3 + update to coupled maven plugin
[WW-4171] - getText methods are not documented as evaluating OGNL
[WW-4214] - Rename of struts token attribute name
[WW-4391] - FreemarkerResult should respect response.getCharacterEncoding()
[WW-4698] - Allow <constant/> value substitution in XML configuration
[WW-4704] - Upgrade to latest OGNL version
[WW-4705] - Add support for long type to <s:date> tag
[WW-4710] - Disallow access to HttpParameters.toMap
[WW-4711] - <s:text/> tag should not evaluate defaultMessage against a ValueStack by default
[WW-4712] - TextProviderHelper#getText() should perform cleaning of "defaultMessage"
[WW-4717] - Refactor file upload support to allow create virtual representation of java.io.File
[WW-4719] - Move "DefaultClassFinder" into Convnention plugin
[WW-4720] - HttpParameters should behave like a Map
[WW-4721] - Add support for "roundingMode" in <s:number/> tag